Hi :) … I’m Not Your Guru Or “Pastor,” Heads Up Babe

Just back the fuck off if you don’t like me or don’t “believe” my God Essence. Yep, you heard me right. πŸ˜ŽπŸ™ƒπŸŽΈπŸ™πŸ’” You have it too.

The Buddha said I cannot show you my secrets or the answers paraphrasing but I know the way and I can show you the way and guys I want to tell you something it’s not the narrow way it’s your way and you have God inside you already and you’re not a sinner. Wake up beaches and horrors?!?!?

The female shape should be seen much much more in the world. She us the vehicle of life people




😊 I can hear the Christian bs now.

I hope that cleared up all of anyone’s confusion about what I am.


Now Watching: The Whip & The Body

πŸ‘» Gothic Horror, Romance Directed by Mario Bava from 1963

Starring Christopher Lee πŸ‘

About 20 minutes into it and the woman is beautiful Christopher Lee is staggeringly excellent as he always is with these horrors. I love the piano that builds the fear and also the concert type music really really creepy like haunted House movie also a lot of nights on gothic beaches which as you know I love the ocean πŸ˜‰

Have you seen this one. Let me know what you thought, or if you’re planning on seeing it, in the comments! I do plan to review this film on my podcast, it may already be posted when you are reading this.

Lamb “Chops” – 8/18/2024

Hidden Mentions From The Lambcast!

Great horror sequels mentioned but not “covered” much on the actual episode. DAme elabs further here at Riley On Film on these precious gems, I give each an unapologetic  10/10.

  1. The Conjuring 2 -and-
  2. Ouija: Origin of Evil


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