The Riley on Film Podcast now also available in video format on YouTube! Pls like and subscribe there. It helps a lot! Instructions: Click on the three lines with the play arrow in bottom corner. Then check out all the ‘sodes ☮️ 🌞😃🆒😊🦕♥️

Here is the playlist! Click on the three lines with the play arrow in bottom corner. Pls like and subscribe to my podcast there and YouTube Channel. It helps me eat and spoil my 3 children. 👦

Devil’s Partner (1960)

The rack is nice. Story kinda slow. Midway it picks up pace. This film was banned due to Satanic material present. Very tame by today’s horror guidelines. ♥️🙏Dame Lease like and subscribe! It really helps.

I’m kicking ass is a seething throbbing beast ready for the ring, babe. Like and subscribe on YouTube.

Pls friends, boost me with likes and subscribes on my new YouTube podcast playlist. it really helps me out.