Free Treat 4U! A Complimentary Copy of My EBook “Bipolar Professional”

Morning portrait of the author before teaching College Career and Pathways classes in the HD

My Books Are Now Available as EBooks or Paperbacks.

Ebook purchases are delivered immediately to your inbox! / Standard paperbacks are delivered promptly by mail through Lulu.

In this blog post is a gift for you, dear visitor: a free pdf copy of my pride and joy hit book: “Bipolar Professional.” My hope is that some of you enjoy it enough to support my work through buying my books on Lulu. PLEASE SHARE!

Your purchases help my kids and I, a LOT! 🙏 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 👦

Either way, I hope you enjoy! Here is the promo press release:

! I’m so proud of the way this came out. !
My Glossy Paperback Cover

It’s free for y’all, my horrors and beaches 😛 Enjoy it!?!? Please share with someone who might benefit from it

Here is my author page on Lulu:

Have a good day!?!? Thanks in advance 😃

Damien ❤️

Steve Austin is my Spirit Animal

You may donate to my art here:


Hi :) … I’m Not Your Guru Or “Pastor,” Heads Up Babe

Just back the fuck off if you don’t like me or don’t “believe” my God Essence. Yep, you heard me right. 😎🙃🎸🙏💔 You have it too.

The Buddha said I cannot show you my secrets or the answers paraphrasing but I know the way and I can show you the way and guys I want to tell you something it’s not the narrow way it’s your way and you have God inside you already and you’re not a sinner. Wake up beaches and horrors?!?!?

The female shape should be seen much much more in the world. She us the vehicle of life people



😊 I can hear the Christian bs now.

I hope that cleared up all of anyone’s confusion about what I am.


In every moment of my existence there is potential for a better feeling, however slight, and I have the ability to create a better feeling in ne, even slightly.

The Law of Attraction is automatic and snowballing every moment in the momentum of feelings you create.


Have you read my book yet? Get it. $9.99 gets it to you immediately in your inbox. Start feeling good now, GO!

Surplus! Info Page on my blog!

Tonight I Purposefully Felt Surplus In A Time That I Felt Scarcity And It Worked To Elevate My Mood, A Lot

Some guy, says he’s his own guardian angel. 👐👼🪽

I thought to myself recently,  earlier tonight specifically,

“I don’t have enough pictures in my albums nor on my walls. I need memories. I have memories, but I need pictures to remind me of my memories and the ones I love up in photos in my sweet home, which I am so thankful for, period.

So I thought, “DAme how shall I transfer my desire from my heart to my computer, which is digital, to Walgreens, one hour photo, and in turn tony frames and albums on my kitchen table period.

I scolded myself briefly, remembering I’m on GoFundMe for God sakes. I remembered I’m near broke. I do have a little nest egg I can feel thankful for.

I’m starting back riding the bus four times a day on Monday, and waves of fear hit like Donehey beach so I should save the nest egg that I have and not be wasting it on photos, period.

That was not my guardian angel protector speaking just now.

But then I thought, what did I write my book on, period? I wrote my book on the law of Attraction and purposefully feeling good which attracts an awareness to the Surplus ALREADY HERE, period.

My guardian angel who IS me said,

“Maybe you can’t put money out at Walgreens yet DAme period.
But we can get access to that good feeling of a surplus of money, which we always have soon,  and transform want making it feel a little bit better by putting photos in a folder and spending some time with a cup of coffee, pre-planning my trip to Walgreens, period. I can stop what’s being spent today and make myself feel good for free.

And that’s what I thought tonight. I wanted to share it here on my blog with you, period.

I do that, you know.

My new book Surplus is available to you immediately for eBook download. It’s $9.99.

If you can’t afford that, or you just plain don’t have an interest, that’s perfectly fine.
It’s just that wrote it for people, and I’d like people to read it, period.

Here’s a link if you’d like to buy the book.


Here’s another way to support my writing/music/blog/art stuff I’ll always do and my remaining Summer need. No pressure ever.

Surplus! I got off track for just a second. Surplus! My God, so much Surplus is already here. I feel thankful.

Have a good day.

Obama’s Speech Last Night Moved Me Immensely, You Might Be Surprised To Know Why So Please Read On IF YOU CAN

My dear friends & family who care for the welfare of your fellow Americans in need,

I have a specific point to share with you and it won’t take even a minute of your time. Thank you in advance if you decide to continue.

Please, please assist the non-readers when they appear in your orbit. They often suffer in prideful silence.

You’d think this solely a task for us teachers but adults like this exist everywhere and most are afraid to admit their gigantic handicap, being that they cannot read.

If you are silent, you can hear their whispers.

A huge percentage of illiterate adults in America are unemployed, not by their choice or lack of trying as Republicans these days pigeon-hole the poor in their Trumpy “MAGA” worldview.

I absolutely cry inside whenever I listen to and/or sing this powerful song 😭 Mostly I have the hardest time singing it because I see non-reader people in my bent mind as I play and it becomes overwhelming. ❤️‍🩹 In fact, my dear lovelies I’m crying now, seeing them on D Street and 7th as I board my bus, wiping real tears away.

“All those lines and circles
to me, a mystery
Eve, pull down the apple
and give a taste to me
If she could it would be wonderful …”

Obama’s speech last night was marvelous. The tide of humanity is turning so I ask you to get on board, get on the right side, the human side of America.

Evil is going out of style can’t you feel it? Vote Democrat, vote Kamala Harris in November I entreat you to believe as I know: she gets the concept of Natalie Merchant’s truly necessary and emotive song. ✌️

Riley Central

I’m crying for them now, seeing them on D and 18 as I board my city bus, wondering about their education. I am he as. If you want to hear the truest vision for this country, I’ve provided it below. Give it a listen and drop the judgement, please. 🙏 These are days to get right.

And if you think JD Vance helps the Republican ticket to be more human? Please read this:

Full Text as a PDF stored for educational non-profit purposes here for ALL at….pdf


The source article online is here:


