Upon Completing a Highly Anticipated Accomplishment Like my Gig

Inhibited people live to criticize risk takers and creators, it’s perverse.

About Completing a Gig

Everyone goes crazy making plans. Sometimes we get fatigued going so crazy making plans. Tonight’s post is about unplanning things how to live once you died to your plan whether it’s over or if you just need to let it go to plan another day.

Appearing and Recording on the Lambcast Today – My 6 Draft Film Picks from the year 1984, all horrors and beaches here are vying to be my #1 . It’s impossible to pick, but I had to so I did.

Listen to the Lambcast or I will come over there and beat your ass to a bloody, pulpy stump. Nothing could better for you if you like movies. You’ve been advised! And of course, listen and subscribe to Riley on Film 🙂

I was 14 when I first saw all these films. I’ve ordered them by gut feeling but they are all #1 worthy to me.


Guardian Angel: Make some popcorn DAme

Me: Oh yeah! Thanks me,

My pronouns are he, him. FYI, I just freghing love this woman and her wolves.