Mission Accomplished With my Fund Raiser and a Final Fuck You to Hilltop Tavern and Inn and you know who else.

Fuck You to Hilltop Tavern and Inn and you know who, a beginner writer for the Daily (De)Pressed. She might grow, that’s up to her. She owes every student at VVC a huge apology, I’m not gonna hold my breath. Onward I say, away from me losers like her tribe.

Y’all donated twice what I asked for!?!? Shit yeah!?!?! Tis over now thx! Peace babe

See the amazing GoFundMe data here: https://gofund.me/f0613315https://gofund.me/f0613315https://gofund.me/f0613315

Watch this space for my concert info. I have irons in the fire! There are so many good people below the Almighty “Hilltop” what a joke business. So stay tuned music fans of Damien Riley music, lots more is coming. I love you

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