Weekly Roundup 08/03/2024 – Media and muse from last week.

What a wonderful week it was. My gig was everything that I planned it would be and so much more.

My shocking surprise car accident did not get in the way of me planning and completing my gig. I did reach out and ask for help online. kudos to all those people, there are about six or seven of you, that donated either small amounts or a couple gave large amounts I have to tell you that is why I was successful at my gig because of your generosity so enjoy the videos here. Some of them are longer than others and some don’t even have performing in them for like 30 minutes on end go ahead and fast forward until you see me singing and start those there otherwise I chopped a lot of concerts from last week into single songs and you’ll find them here as well if you have any questions let me know otherwise I will see you next time.

From my YT Channel:

Let me show u around the sunset stage at Hilltop. By Damien.

Photos from last week.

See you next time.

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