Categories: Blog of Damien Riley

Two roads diverged in a wood and I chose the one less traveled by, my own. (Translation: FUCK TRUMP)

Enough is FUCKING enough.

The simplest solution: I propose and hereby nominate Kamala Harris for President of the United States. Anti-woman “CHRISTIANS” block this opportunity in 2024, as fucking usual. When will they/we ever learn. FUCK TRUMP.

Fuck Trump (period) Anybody wanna take that (me) on? There is no fucking logic to support the man period. Do you know the man who takes credit for abolishing a young sweet woman’s right to choose has sexually abused probably 1,000’s of darling young victims and been damn glad abortion was legal as he 100% paid for them to be performed, Every one. Wake the fuck up deplorables in my hometown and across this nasty right wing nation.

Biden’s direction is freedom but “merely” a lesser of 2 evils, same as it ever was.

Trump is in every manner of the term a non-sequitur to American freedom and fortitude.

Don’t vote for the next Hitler just because his opponent isn’t shiny in debates. We need to win as a country and do that through a fallible figurehead but capable leader, Joe Biden.

Be internally logical America. Time to evolve.

We’re getting an exemplification through this debate of what “a more perfect union” means. Now you know the union is imperfect.

Be internally driven and you’ll change the world. Unbridled Trump ism is a non sequitur of freedom. We don’t have good choices but we also stand at a crossroads facing off with the end of democracy with Donald Duck Trump. We all know this to varying degrees but it’s not hazy or unclear to me.

Newsreel of my heart:

In a bold move, blogger and voice for GenXers Damien Riley changes course from reviewing horror temporarily to podcasting about the impeccable works of Jack London, ever-relevant to his work.

Almost ran subscript:

“So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow …” as William Carlos Williams says.

The fork in the road has been transcended. We must all learn to do this in her/his own way now. Watch for my latest podcast episode podcasted book review:

“The Call of the Wild: Ch 1”

coming today on my official website:

I know what I’m doing and hope you do as well. All you need is love. ✌️

Pls help by listening and subscribing. 😉 Now, go take on your day, shut the rest out. You are gonna soar.

Trump is a choice but a terrible one for me. I refuse to bow.

You wanna say God has told you to kill me, bring it on you fucking right wing pieces of shit. I’ll die defending myself over this. You live in your own hell that you have created on earth. I aint there you losers.

Enough is enough fuckers.

Damien Riley

Damien Riley is an author, musical recording artist, and host of the podcast, runaway-quirky-cult-hit film as lit show "But I Digress!" Which is produced by Spotify. Damien is a worldwide creator of art media across multiple formats 🦵 He blogs multiple times a day at his accomplished homepage powered by WordPress "The Loft" at CREATE the only Bookmark you'll need for him here. 🌴 Last update was entered by Damien on 12/21/2024 12:21 pm ✌️ 🎸 🎙️ 📚🕺😆😂 standup comedy now available

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