“The Dawn” (2020) is a drama, horror, thriller film now available to watch on Prime Video. It stars Devanny Pinn in the lead role, known for Crossbreed (2019) and Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery (2017). She has no nude scenes that I know of, please inform me is you know any (asking for a friend). Stacy Dash also plays a small role (Clueless). It was directed by a man named Brandon Slagle who is just starting out in his career but has apparently received “record rentals” (a few social media posts I read) as an indy director on Red Box. I am sad to say, this will not be breaking any rental awards anywhere. I don’t think even Stacy Dash’s fame could help this plot and production.

While the creepy moments (or attempts) are present, this film doesn’t present its intent until the last 4 minutes. At that point, it disjointedly claims to be a prequel to the “Amytiville Horror.” Every Horror fan knows the bar is high if it were to be that prequel. Perhaps that’s why the director didn’t reveal it was meant to be that until the end. The production and plot sink it. An example of things going right is “Exorcist.” We know why and how the young girl gets possessed and it gives us permission to be scared, repulsed, disgusted, etc. Remember that lovely pea soup sputtering out? “The Dawn” doesn’t even try to work the possession in. There is a brief encounter with her great grandfather who is Native American but even that scene gives us little to go on as this mystery of possession ensues.

Read the rest of my written review at HorrorNews.net.

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Damien S. Riley

Damien S. Riley is a creator of: music, books, a podcast on at "Riley on Film."All his work can be enjoyed at his blog, Riley Central RileyOnFilm.com Besides being a professional musician, Damien is a college English and logic professor. His style is soft rock akin to the Smiths and REM but also hooky 60’s music like "Peter Paul and Mary." Damien has recorded and performed with 80's -90’s arena rock band “The Alarm” founding member and original guitarist Dave Sharp. From Damien: “I've created, discovered, and refined a meadow along my way online with my books, blog, podcast, and primordial videos. Do jump in and swim around. Like a 60’s movie.” Come on in, the water’s fine.”

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