I Have Found A Meadow

I Have Found A Meadow
a poem by Damien S. Riley

08/25/2024 8pm from my veranda at The Loft.

After a several days’ walk I find the road is often rough and wobbly.
I can fall if I lose my impermanent footing.
I keep a weathered eye and steady my gaze to avoid a stumble, though many times I have.
I know I will fall again but that’s ok, since I know how to fall and how to lube my emotional transmission and GET UP.

I am grateful for my mistakes, for they have made me wiser.

After a surplus has been stored inside my red zipped-closed backpack, I can feel its limit and I try not to breathe the noxious fumes that come from only myself.

Like ghosts in Anaheim they begin to materialize when I go over my surplus “level.” I’m getting so much better at knowing my limits, although I’ve found I am a limitless being. Figure that out and I’ll give you a dollar.

There is no view but mine.
There is no view but yours.
We are connected with different views that are only one to us and to eternity.

The yin needs a yan to be a yin, so I accept both.

I am all there is.

I am the eye of the universe looking at itself and where it’s brought me after 400 million years.

I have found the way is rocky and deadly if you slip. Just one can be a doozy. Leave you with a black eye and a sullen heart which waxes cold. It’s hard to remember where you are and who you want to be sometimes.

Search hither and yon but your inner being finds the meadow, when you stop resisting.

I used to search for this meadow, now I’m here and I ain’t never goin’ home. I cannot tell you where I am. You’ll have to find it on your own.

Bonus if you’re online.

The tiny blue flowers minister to my beleaguered soul. I get tired even when I know I AM surplus energy, that essence which humans call love but I get tired still. I’ll tell you how to solve it when I figure it out and I am so close, babe.

It’s getting so much better all the time.

Every day I see more of me. I am vast.

A little raven head is me.

I encompass the mountains I must climb.

Watching me in the meadow, so glad I found this place, a stop, a place to make a practice of stopping.

My guardian angel is with me. I take care of Damien and he is doing great, y’all should be proud. You needn’t worry about this here guy!

I am my own guardian angel

I must leave the meadow tomorrow for a minute but I shall remember the good vibe here in these long hours. They are my MapsAndLegends quest to the next part that only I can ever see ahead.

In fact, only I will ever see anything in here. I am all alone and that’s perfectly wonderful. You learn to enjoy ones own company or you skeletize.

I certainly hope you enjoy the guitar.

Every day is a new song, have you got it yet?

I have found a meadow. I believe you can too. Come rest in mine along your journey if you like, fellow traveler.

Keep your eye on me and watch me change.

Cross that bridge, take every road, everywhere you decide to go you’re forgiven, THIS is heaven.

Another bonus, automatic.


Note From Room 222:

I see you financed an 80k car you were able to get because you do a job you dislike.

Next life get the job you love thru blood, sweat & tears driving a 500 dollar car for cash.  You’ll not need those frills or that seriousness. That which you dream is yours already, energetically.

I do love me a new car scent tho.

God Bless you.



Tonight I Purposefully Felt Surplus In A Time That I Felt Scarcity And It Worked To Elevate My Mood, A Lot

Some guy, says he’s his own guardian angel. 👐👼🪽

I thought to myself recently,  earlier tonight specifically,

“I don’t have enough pictures in my albums nor on my walls. I need memories. I have memories, but I need pictures to remind me of my memories and the ones I love up in photos in my sweet home, which I am so thankful for, period.

So I thought, “DAme how shall I transfer my desire from my heart to my computer, which is digital, to Walgreens, one hour photo, and in turn tony frames and albums on my kitchen table period.

I scolded myself briefly, remembering I’m on GoFundMe for God sakes. I remembered I’m near broke. I do have a little nest egg I can feel thankful for.

I’m starting back riding the bus four times a day on Monday, and waves of fear hit like Donehey beach so I should save the nest egg that I have and not be wasting it on photos, period.

That was not my guardian angel protector speaking just now.

But then I thought, what did I write my book on, period? I wrote my book on the law of Attraction and purposefully feeling good which attracts an awareness to the Surplus ALREADY HERE, period.

My guardian angel who IS me said,

“Maybe you can’t put money out at Walgreens yet DAme period.
But we can get access to that good feeling of a surplus of money, which we always have soon,  and transform want making it feel a little bit better by putting photos in a folder and spending some time with a cup of coffee, pre-planning my trip to Walgreens, period. I can stop what’s being spent today and make myself feel good for free.

And that’s what I thought tonight. I wanted to share it here on my blog with you, period.

I do that, you know.

My new book Surplus is available to you immediately for eBook download. It’s $9.99.

If you can’t afford that, or you just plain don’t have an interest, that’s perfectly fine.
It’s just that wrote it for people, and I’d like people to read it, period.

Here’s a link if you’d like to buy the book.



Here’s another way to support my writing/music/blog/art stuff I’ll always do and my remaining Summer need. No pressure ever.

Surplus! I got off track for just a second. Surplus! My God, so much Surplus is already here. I feel thankful.


Have a good day.

Obama’s Speech Last Night Moved Me Immensely, You Might Be Surprised To Know Why So Please Read On IF YOU CAN

My dear friends & family who care for the welfare of your fellow Americans in need,

I have a specific point to share with you and it won’t take even a minute of your time. Thank you in advance if you decide to continue.

Please, please assist the non-readers when they appear in your orbit. They often suffer in prideful silence.

You’d think this solely a task for us teachers but adults like this exist everywhere and most are afraid to admit their gigantic handicap, being that they cannot read.

If you are silent, you can hear their whispers.

A huge percentage of illiterate adults in America are unemployed, not by their choice or lack of trying as Republicans these days pigeon-hole the poor in their Trumpy “MAGA” worldview.

I absolutely cry inside whenever I listen to and/or sing this powerful song 😭 Mostly I have the hardest time singing it because I see non-reader people in my bent mind as I play and it becomes overwhelming. ❤️‍🩹 In fact, my dear lovelies I’m crying now, seeing them on D Street and 7th as I board my bus, wiping real tears away.

“All those lines and circles
to me, a mystery
Eve, pull down the apple
and give a taste to me
If she could it would be wonderful …”

Obama’s speech last night was marvelous. The tide of humanity is turning so I ask you to get on board, get on the right side, the human side of America.

Evil is going out of style can’t you feel it? Vote Democrat, vote Kamala Harris in November I entreat you to believe as I know: she gets the concept of Natalie Merchant’s truly necessary and emotive song. ✌️

Riley Central

I’m crying for them now, seeing them on D and 18 as I board my city bus, wondering about their education. I am he as. If you want to hear the truest vision for this country, I’ve provided it below. Give it a listen and drop the judgement, please. 🙏 These are days to get right.

And if you think JD Vance helps the Republican ticket to be more human? Please read this:

Full Text as a PDF stored for educational non-profit purposes here for ALL at RileyOnFilm.com https://rileyonfilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Opinion-The-Decline-of-Ohio-and-the-Rise-of-J.D….pdf


The source article online is here: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/29/opinion/jd-vance-senate.html




Appearing and Recording on the Lambcast Today – My 6 Draft Film Picks from the year 1984, all horrors and beaches here are vying to be my #1 . It’s impossible to pick, but I had to so I did.

Listen to the Lambcast or I will come over there and beat your ass to a bloody, pulpy stump. Nothing could better for you if you like movies. You’ve been advised! And of course, listen and subscribe to Riley on Film 🙂

I was 14 when I first saw all these films. I’ve ordered them by gut feeling but they are all #1 worthy to me.


Guardian Angel: Make some popcorn DAme

Me: Oh yeah! Thanks me,

My pronouns are he, him. FYI, I just freghing love this woman and her wolves.

The Audiobook Part of ¡Zen y La Fermata!

Read by me, the author, Z Damien Riley, y La 𝄐 (I’m lookin for you!) I know you’re getting ready 4me.

Direct link to audiobook file, find it wherever podcasts are hosted. play in player or download.

Women like this are listening. Oh my. That’s a thrill for the centuries. Hi out there 😉
Podcast show containing: The Audiobook Part of ¡Zen y La Fermata!

Podcast of the audiobook (follow & like me) https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/damien-riley/episodes/Zen-y-La-Fermata-e2kvdjj

¡Zen y La Fermata! (Audiobook) read by the author, Damien Riley

DAME on PATREON – “Treats for the few, the proud, The Patreonners!”

My PATREON select bebes and horrors: https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-am-in-awe-of-106283577

See you there precious souls who support this enterprise of liberal arts. -DAME

Check out my PATREON perks!!!


“I am worthy of love, success and happiness.”

Me the morning of my 55th birthday. So much less stressed than 54. Enjoy your day. ~DAME
Lavendaire is great, esp for affirmations.

Im going to see Inside Out 2 with a few of my kids this afternoon. The moments will not be lost on me … listen to this quote by Edna:

Isabella and my dad at John’s Incredible Pizza. Photo from the Jurassic period., just like now will be in future pictures.
Isabella and my dad at John’s Incredible Pizza. Photo from the past, just like now will be in future pictures. Now is all you should be in.