Free Treat 4U! A Complimentary Copy of My EBook “Bipolar Professional”

Morning portrait of the author before teaching College Career and Pathways classes in the HD

My Books Are Now Available as EBooks or Paperbacks.

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In this blog post is a gift for you, dear visitor: a free pdf copy of my pride and joy hit book: “Bipolar Professional.” My hope is that some of you enjoy it enough to support my work through buying my books on Lulu. PLEASE SHARE!

Your purchases help my kids and I, a LOT! 🙏 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 👦

Either way, I hope you enjoy! Here is the promo press release:

! I’m so proud of the way this came out. !
My Glossy Paperback Cover

It’s free for y’all, my horrors and beaches 😛 Enjoy it!?!? Please share with someone who might benefit from it

Here is my author page on Lulu:

Have a good day!?!? Thanks in advance 😃

Damien ❤️

Steve Austin is my Spirit Animal

You may donate to my art here:


Damien To Be On The LAMBcast MOTM Episode October 2024, Vote It Up Babe!

I need my beaches and horrors to PARTY, rise and vote for the film I am championing. If I win, I get to host the episode at that behemoth haunt and pop culture force, the LAMBcast!

Wanna hear me beg like a dog for your vote?!?!

Votinglink not up yet. Check back often!?!? There are huge prizes!?!?

The Bride of Frankenstein!

My longer review on the podcast from a couple years ago. Please get me up! 🙏 I can’t wait to host.

Dancing as if I won!?!? Law of attraction babe. ❤️

Can I call this charming? A friend who is mentally disabled is cute in a way. We have the protagonist, the monster, We se the monster in this early incarnation desiring a friend. The mad scientist has grand plans. We get to see the monster develop language. We also ss he is sort of capable of making another human happy. I’m thinking of the blind man who gives him food and shelter to heal. In this epic blockbuster horror film, we see a human undead monster and he’s still got the drives for companionship.</p>It has the usual mob trying to kill the monster. Through this exciting segment of about 1/2 way we see him as a flawed, even brain damaged human. I couldn’t help but feel sorrow for the monster. Bela Lugosi is a prefect actor for this human creature (or is it?). Some of my favorite scenes are the ones with the blind man. They are kindred spirits in that each wants a friend. I got the impression one would get watching a toddler find something shiny and becoming enraptured with it.

Putting the monster through torture is what had me glued to the screen. I’m not into torture but I find myself relating with the yearning, longing, and even lusting after a woman or otherwise partner. They are such fine and wonderful creatures those partners. I also related with the block of communication that is present throughout. Did you know the Bible teaches the Tower of Babel was why God confused language for all humankind. It tried to be higher than God so God humbled them. The monster illustrates how horrible it would be to not be able to communicate.

There are not many scenes of the actual author Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The film however does open with she and Lord Byron commenting on the lovely ghastly storm outside. We see clearly based on the title and the plot, she is to be made into a female monster, for the creature. I love the way they weaved the real life couple into this. Is raises the verisimilitude and leaves us actually wanting to see them together.

Unfortunately we don’t see much of the female. The latter portion of the film is where we see only her transformation but not much detail. She looks just plain freaky, I like that. I get from her character that she too is unable to communicate. She is quicker moving than the monster. In conclusion, this is to date one of my favorite classic series films. I really enjoy the writing, especially the writing of Byron and Shelley, The film is a delightful hodgepodge of suspenseful orchestra music and top shelf acting. The result is a mind ride to understand why we should never bring the dead back to life. This is an incredibly atmospheric class A horror film. I can give it no lower than a 10/10.

Watch this space for details how to get me up straight away … that’s right, I’ll tell you how to GET ME UP babe. I wanna weeeeen!

Get on board with me in October for more rides, beaches and horrors!

Damien (watch this space! Get me up!)

SAVE THE DATE! “MANZANA” My 5 Song Album Drops on Apple Music, Spotify, et al: 09/16/2024

Ohh them lips need kissing 👄

It’s all in the can man, ready to go. I can’t wait babe. This is a huge milestone for me and my music. I feel like an 8-year-old kid standing in line to see Star Wars for the 22nd time, for the first time, which I did at the Chrisanta Twin in Theater, Mission Viejo […]

SAVE THE DATE! “MANZANA” My 5 Song Album Drops on Apple Music, Spotify, et al: 09/16/2024

Suburban Desert Sky We Say Is Up?

From my veranda at the Loft. Apple Valley, California 09/07/2024 at 6pm

Early faith refers to the heavens as “up above” but the direction is relative. To a Chinaman, for example, these heavens I now see are are down below his feet and the dirt on the other side of the globe, etc. We are riding a spinning sphere. Paul and the gang didn’t know that yet.

Makes you wonder what else they elaborated on and explained imperfectly. And what we blindly accept as gospel truth today

In one of the gospels in scripture it says women should have their heads covered for the sake of Angels in our midst. That was explained to me by a relative authority at Calvary Chapel when I used to go there as referring to the prostitutes that had become Christians. Paul acknowledges they had the freedom “in Christ” to not cover their heads but he was telling them to cover their heads for the sake of the onlookers who had not yet been baptized, or converted you know.

It’s bad optics.

That’s what Angels actually means, according to the Pastor,  so they don’t think Christianity is just a bunch of sluts and whores. Make sure Wonder what angels are anyway.

I’m never going to give up my illusion of my guardian angel because he’s me. To me this could be one of the early examples in scripture of religious folk giving a shit what other people think.

I almost got sucked into a full-on Christian call that’s been around for probably 40-50 years called the assembly. I was going to move into what’s called a shepherding home. Mostly cuz I was lonely. Good thing my dad alerted me to the weirdness of what they were talking about and I didn’t get into it.

I have reasons for my reticence about Christianity.

If interested why I feel I have earned the authority to think and write about Christianity, check out my spiritual resume, of sorts, I made for the angels in my midst.

Stop The Paranoia, Day

Okay so confession time. This is something that’s been happening to me lately a lot. I’ve been meaning to write about it, because when I write about it I pay attention to it it’s just the life of a blogger you wouldn’t know, most likely.

One reason I’m glad I made it in music is cuz it’s going to pay for my teeth getting fixed when I finally settle down to it.

I’ll be missing my wallet say for example because lazy ass me didn’t put it in the drawer where it belongs. So I jump to Alzheimer’s suspicion. Then I jump to child suspicion: child stole it  suspicion. And this doesn’t just happen at home this happens everywhere I go if I’m missing something I go right to blaming someone and every time I find it.

Let me repeat that: every time I feel paranoia that someone stole my s*** I find it.

So the next time I can’t find something I’m going to sit down and meditate or I’m going to forget the f*** about it because it’s going to turn up and I’m going to stop the paranoia the judging and the blaming. ✌️

Crackle O’ The Wind – All Caught Up 09/02/2024

One track live acoustic and vocal from my apt

09/02/2024 – “All Caught Up’ Homeshow – 1 of 4 songs I’m posting from the show

Lyrics: A little child inside Hears owls hoot The radiant evening’s soon Games are played Streetlight Approved In the Crackle of the Wind A little Raven head steps up to the stool to see the moon from a ragged room A night dress is hemmed at a mother’s spool In the Crackle of the Wind And I can hear the wind sing Way Oh Way Oh A song is played in some dark room Someone’s heart is deeply moved Season’s change their different hues in the Crackle of the Wind And I can hear the wind sing Way Oh Way Oh

Words and music by the man singing and playing guitar, Damien S. Riley

Countdown Babe! My EP Album Drops Monday (Today if you’re reading this on 9/16/2024)

Countdown Babe! My Album Drops Monday (Today if you’re reading on 9/16/2024)  on Apple Music, Spotify, & many other Select Spaces. Please tell me your experiences finding it or not. That would be a big help. I teach most of the morning so might not be able to check.

Watch this space for minute by minute updates.

Peace ✌️ Love ❤️ & Happiness 😊 ,

Damien 🤗 😘


I Have Found A Meadow

I Have Found A Meadow
a poem by Damien S. Riley

08/25/2024 8pm from my veranda at The Loft.

After a several days’ walk I find the road is often rough and wobbly.
I can fall if I lose my impermanent footing.
I keep a weathered eye and steady my gaze to avoid a stumble, though many times I have.
I know I will fall again but that’s ok, since I know how to fall and how to lube my emotional transmission and GET UP.

I am grateful for my mistakes, for they have made me wiser.

After a surplus has been stored inside my red zipped-closed backpack, I can feel its limit and I try not to breathe the noxious fumes that come from only myself.

Like ghosts in Anaheim they begin to materialize when I go over my surplus “level.” I’m getting so much better at knowing my limits, although I’ve found I am a limitless being. Figure that out and I’ll give you a dollar.

There is no view but mine.
There is no view but yours.
We are connected with different views that are only one to us and to eternity.

The yin needs a yan to be a yin, so I accept both.

I am all there is.

I am the eye of the universe looking at itself and where it’s brought me after 400 million years.

I have found the way is rocky and deadly if you slip. Just one can be a doozy. Leave you with a black eye and a sullen heart which waxes cold. It’s hard to remember where you are and who you want to be sometimes.

Search hither and yon but your inner being finds the meadow, when you stop resisting.

I used to search for this meadow, now I’m here and I ain’t never goin’ home. I cannot tell you where I am. You’ll have to find it on your own.

Bonus if you’re online.

The tiny blue flowers minister to my beleaguered soul. I get tired even when I know I AM surplus energy, that essence which humans call love but I get tired still. I’ll tell you how to solve it when I figure it out and I am so close, babe.

It’s getting so much better all the time.

Every day I see more of me. I am vast.

A little raven head is me.

I encompass the mountains I must climb.

Watching me in the meadow, so glad I found this place, a stop, a place to make a practice of stopping.

My guardian angel is with me. I take care of Damien and he is doing great, y’all should be proud. You needn’t worry about this here guy!

I am my own guardian angel

I must leave the meadow tomorrow for a minute but I shall remember the good vibe here in these long hours. They are my MapsAndLegends quest to the next part that only I can ever see ahead.

In fact, only I will ever see anything in here. I am all alone and that’s perfectly wonderful. You learn to enjoy ones own company or you skeletize.

I certainly hope you enjoy the guitar.

Every day is a new song, have you got it yet?

I have found a meadow. I believe you can too. Come rest in mine along your journey if you like, fellow traveler.

Keep your eye on me and watch me change.

Cross that bridge, take every road, everywhere you decide to go you’re forgiven, THIS is heaven.

Another bonus, automatic.


Donate Securely via Paypal to me at @rileyonfilm ... button coming soon babe. Love, -Damien