Crackle O’ The Wind – All Caught Up 09/02/2024

One track live acoustic and vocal from my apt

09/02/2024 – “All Caught Up’ Homeshow – 1 of 4 songs I’m posting from the show

Lyrics: A little child inside Hears owls hoot The radiant evening’s soon Games are played Streetlight Approved In the Crackle of the Wind A little Raven head steps up to the stool to see the moon from a ragged room A night dress is hemmed at a motherโ€™s spool In the Crackle of the Wind And I can hear the wind sing Way Oh Way Oh A song is played in some dark room Someoneโ€™s heart is deeply moved Seasonโ€™s change their different hues in the Crackle of the Wind And I can hear the wind sing Way Oh Way Oh

Words and music by the man singing and playing guitar, Damien S. Riley


“I hear the Sirens singing in the streets. They’re calling out for you, for me.” Deb Talan

Repeating Digits In My Path

My tv and clock showed repeated digits after a hearty breakfast and perfect beginning text-talk w one of my supervisors at work.

What repeating digits in my path mean to me: On the way to enlightenment, repeating decimals have and will show up in my path. They are one of the universeโ€™s ways of telling me โ€œGood job,โ€ and/or โ€œYouโ€™re doing right!โ€ or most often felt as โ€œThis is the right path you have chosen. Keep going Dame.โ€

Michael Stipe belting out repeating digits in 1984.


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