Ladies, just so you know your Casanova exists. I felt love for the first time in decades and I remember how hard it hits it has to be meant to be, but you want to hit it with me.
Powerful Moment Now: 222 Pages Viewed And 222 visits at 10:15am RIGHT NOW. why am I blown away. Only people who know the answer to this question can participate, but if you can answer correctly in the comments, I will send you my bipolar professional paperback book which is worth about 25 bucks when it ships to you you’ll get it for free immediately and PDF.
Low Hanging Fruit
Do I have to?
Before it rots yes. Pick ’em while their ripe or almost ripe. One project at a time babe. Tell me this isn’t insanely smart and right and fucking ingenious in truth?!?! Some days I have to prioritize my low hanging fruit. Get it?
Don’t like me? FUCK off why do you come around here? Shooooo go away shooooo. We’re caring and feeding our inner monster here. You need to get lost. If others if you stay, thanks. This wisdom is not your reward. Being close to me is. You do get a thanks from me energetically though. Automatic, every time you think of me or something here. How was yer day?
The Sender
From A Sidewalk Cafe ~
these solid brain stored memories courtesy of Frank Mills, what twinkling keys
Today Is The Best Day Ever!
“When you come in love, it’s never free,
I’m frightened, come and see
These night Birds of Bali
Are still Cawin’ to me ;)”
From my brand speaking new hit “Night Birds of Bali”
Hear and watch me play it from THE VERANDA AT THE LOFT in Bali, Indonesia here:
You love your life, it’s an amazing ride!
Search “Damien Riley” album: “Manzana” on Apple Music and these other fine places! Today is release day – dancing over here ☮️ Thanks donors!
Just $300 more and I archive my GoFundMe Page babe 😘
You can donate securely here at this link:
Thank you immensely for what you’ve given!!!
I love my life, ✌️❤️☮️
Compassion and the Other
Compleat Version Methinks: My New Hit Song “Night Birds of Bali” ❤️
Copyright 2024 Damien S. Riley
First song is in the can, as far as an arrangement. 8 more to work out for my new upcoming album, “Alpha.” I hope you enjoy this one I wrote it in about 4 days and used a sharpie to get lyrics on my apartment’s living room, kitchen, and bathroom walls. Lol. Truth 💯
Internal Agreement 100 Percent Babe
Such great memories of the Reagan Era, hallucinogenics, and a great female leg
Huge Things Happenin’ Here At The Loft!?!? 💖🦵✌️
“Here’s a Thought!?” A series by Damien S. Riley #09132024 – anti-aneurism analgesic
news 4 You (getting to be old hat 4 Me.) AKA “Don’t Worry Be Happy” by old Bob-By.
And that’s the truth babe! (Spits the little girl)
Me: Why do you love space?
Bella: Because it’s different, EMPTY!!!
Me: Great adjective choice! What you’re saying there, really, is that there are no limits to space. Your life here at the Loft is the exact same grid, babe. You create with your feelings lovely!
❤️✌️🦵 Damien S. Riley, Humorist and Philosopher