And so it begins, but I digress, without further adieu, presenting me and my 3 guitars with refreshing and awakening…
Starting CH1 of Moby Dick at "But I Digress" this afternoon. It's a whale dear friends. Ride the novel with…
This one happened ok?!?! I wrote this one somewhat inspired by a tree in my front yard. Think of…
If you enjoy these birdies and related artworkz of ME, help keep it free for the public! Donate securely through…
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Please commit to keeping it in heavy rotation. Thx ✌️ Damien
Take it from Dame, never marry a retarded wallflower demon whore. Thoughts at 5:55 🤔
Artwork Piece by Isabella Riley, made forMy nearly completed antology of horror fiction. Pre-order NOW below for elite club goodies!…
"She's just the girl you want, there's. Chivalry in what I see. That leg 🦵 🍗 turns to me ……
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