Why Girls Should Want To Go To Bed With Me – Reason 41

I think as an old guy I don’t forget stuff it just takes me longer to recall it sometimes. In fact it must be noted that sometimes I’m faster than the 19-year-olds I come across.

But I digress.

I’m really convinced in my mind and in my journal today that old guys take longer to recall things sometimes because there’s so much more information accumulated. It’s like a library computer search: if it has to go through three or four databases it’s going to be, you know, a nanosecond longer.

Hi beaches and horrors from the Loft!

Same thing is true with me. Every time somebody asks me about a sexual moment we shared I can remember it but it just takes me a second sometimes (not all the time that’s an important point about aging and how you’re doing memory wise.

So if I only knew the stuff that I knew when I was 19 I would never hesitate I would always have a quick answer but the fact of the matter is that aging to 55 1/2 has exponentially increased the amount of information ¡useful information! valuable information

girls should want to f****** information. You get the idea, right?

God damn.