"Say Hello Son" and Daughter of God. You r Safe, Safe u r (a Free mantra when in spiritual distress…
So far, my music has been jamming, u guys, it's a God thing! A Universe thing. Thank you Almighty Lord…
dot dot dot ur turn.
https://youtu.be/Qocvk6JONEs?si=MxseqMk12BEee7cg https://youtu.be/Qocvk6JONEs?si=MxseqMk12BEee7cg
YT is a platform I put a lot of my outtakes and sublime mistakes fans only!?!? just music pal! 😁
And so it begins, but I digress, without further adieu, presenting me and my 3 guitars with refreshing and awakening…
I speak in 11 mins. There are 21 students and a few faculty here at the moment. My topic today…
both Buddhism and Christianity teach this concept as a core concept of happiness. let us firgive those who we perceive…
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