Sputnik – A Podcast Film Review by Damien Riley

Synopsis: The lone survivor of an enigmatic Russian spaceship incident hasn’t returned back home alone-hiding inside his body is a dangerous creature.

Most horror fans will agree, I can say based on my travels, that space and aliens are excellent themes for horror movies. Of course, Ridley Scott’s original “Alien” made the hair stand up on the back of the neck of a generation. I am proud to be included in that. Some more recent incarnations have failed in my view to do that but I pay props to that film, it set a gold standard for horror and gore in a mainstream sci fi film. “Sputnik” is an example of a film that comes close to that magic and mystique but in my opinion will not be adopted as such by the horror community because of the subtitles. 

In conclusion, I have avoided spoilers mostly for this one because I really want you to see it. Let me put it this way, I had 3 screeners across my desk this week and this was the best (2020) film of the three by a country mile, or a light year? If you can trust me to not dread the subtitles, I think you’ll have a great time with this film.

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/damien-riley/message

Damien S. Riley

Damien S. Riley is a creator of: music, books, a podcast on at "Riley on Film."All his work can be enjoyed at his blog, Riley Central RileyOnFilm.com Besides being a professional musician, Damien is a college English and logic professor. His style is soft rock akin to the Smiths and REM but also hooky 60’s music like "Peter Paul and Mary." Damien has recorded and performed with 80's -90’s arena rock band “The Alarm” founding member and original guitarist Dave Sharp. From Damien: “I've created, discovered, and refined a meadow along my way online with my books, blog, podcast, and primordial videos. Do jump in and swim around. Like a 60’s movie.” Come on in, the water’s fine.”

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