Make it an Art Project: A way to learn and excel at necessary dreaded tasks

Some necessary tasks toward goals like shopping and algebra are easy for certain people and like pulling teeth for others. I don’t have all the fancy answers but I do know one way that works for me! Make the task into an art project. Even if you mess up, it makes those tasks a lot more fun. And, as a teacher for decades, I testify that fun equals exponential learning over dread.

If you think you suck at writing, or just don’t enjoy it, make a Tumblr blog! Those consist of mostly images but there can be a little writing to practice. I had one for years at (please note with this example I NEVER used the self talk “I suck at writing,” that is poison talk but that’s another post. You can uplevel to an actual text based blog when ypou get more confortable writing your thoughts. After a given amount of time that will vary author to author, you may be ready to put that preactice into a book on or another self-publishing platform.

Another angle to make those dreaded jobs soar is to get your equipment as needed together. If you want to write thank you cards but are prevented by the lack of them, buy some! Even if there is no one to thank currently. There is an indescribable rush of thankfulness that fills your face when you want to write one and actually have them handy. Create a “centers” box by your bed or television. Put supplies for writing those, including stamps in there. But those are just two examples of making chores into art. This is one way to truly improve the self, which is all there is to improve. Anything come to mind along these lines? Share with me in the comments!

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