In every moment of my existence there is potential for a better feeling, however slight, and I have the ability to create a better feeling in ne, even slightly.
The Law of Attraction is automatic and snowballing every moment in the momentum of feelings you create.
Have you read my book yet? Get it. $9.99 gets it to you immediately in your inbox. Start feeling good now, GO!
Damien Riley
Damien Riley is an author, musical recording artist, and host of the podcast, runaway-quirky-cult-hit film as lit show "But I Digress!" Which is produced by Spotify. Damien is a worldwide creator of art media across multiple formats 🦵 He blogs multiple times a day at his accomplished homepage powered by WordPress "The Loft" at CREATE the only Bookmark you'll need for him here. 🌴 Last update was entered by Damien on 12/21/2024 12:21 pm ✌️ 🎸 🎙️ 📚🕺😆😂 standup comedy now available