I did 2 errands and both were completed with the angelic assistance of beautiful women who listened and served me above average. I am having a great day because if these two lovely young women. I made sure and gave them both reviews on their respective websites. I’m a college professor and I know the karma of this :) did you know people rate me? It’s beautiful 2024, get a little give a little. Tit for tat. It’s easy. Try it. All u need is love.
Damien Riley
Damien Riley is an author, musical recording artist, and host of the podcast, runaway-quirky-cult-hit film as lit show "But I Digress!" Which is produced by Spotify. Damien is a worldwide creator of art media across multiple formats 🦵 He blogs multiple times a day at his accomplished homepage powered by WordPress "The Loft" at RileyOnFilm.com CREATE the only Bookmark you'll need for him here. 🌴 Last update was entered by Damien on 12/21/2024 12:21 pm ✌️ 🎸 🎙️ 📚🕺😆😂 standup comedy now available