The Book Part of ¡Zen y La Fermata!

The book modality of this infamous freefer artistic 3 part monster project by the name of:

¡Zen y La Fermata!
podcast 🎙️ | music 🎸 | books 📕
By Damien Riley (Plays Zen on the shorts show of the same name.
This post is the book 📕 modality.

Check out the audiobook of the ¡Zen y La Fermata!book on my podcast 🎙️. This is one of the of the modalities for this piece.

Last but not least and out of my preferential order (this should be #1) the companion musical album written, performed, and recorded by the author, me, Damien Riley: ¡Zen y La Fermata! The Musical Album by Damien Riley Is hosted exclusively on YT and YT Music. This is yet the culmination of it and the other two as part of this single-driven goal of getting people to use their imagination to be thankful. That is the true purpose and meaning of my work

Because it works for me.



Damien Riley

Damien Riley is an author, musical recording artist, and host of the podcast, runaway-quirky-cult-hit film as lit show "But I Digress!" Which is produced by Spotify. Damien is a worldwide creator of art media across multiple formats 🦵 He blogs multiple times a day at his accomplished homepage powered by WordPress "The Loft" at CREATE the only Bookmark you'll need for him here. 🌴 Last update was entered by Damien on 12/21/2024 12:21 pm ✌️ 🎸 🎙️ 📚🕺😆😂 standup comedy now available

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