Donny Change Your Adult Diaper, Your Followers are Fucked Up

sickening to me is that Donald Trump has hijacked the Republican party wait never mind, scratch that Donald Trump has destroyed and administered the death penalty to all you angry, fucked up, complicit shit heads and your laughable “GOP.” The fact that we have to put stuff like this up to remind us that differences are beautiful in children makes me sick what an orange-haired a he is. Wave your stupid flags bitches, go on. Where is Murphy Brown these days? Not under your dumbass religious hypocritical gun promoting toxic cult you shitheads.

GOPesus Christ, y’all suck at name calling. Get an IQ. Shamala now? Call me Shamien! Go study Dan Quayle fucktards. More like this at my

Done here, CORRECTION: Just getting started babe. 🎤 dropped.CategoriesBlog of Damien S. Riley

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