Ep. 1 of Riley on Film’s “The Night Owl With Damien”

Pilot episode of my new daughter project at the mothership podcast Riley on Film, “The Night Owl With Damien” A YouTube show. This is my jump to video bros!!!  🙂 Please watch it on Youtube, I cant believe I’m still young enough to do this.

Subscribe, like, and comment. No time like the present 🙂 Ladies get to cut to the front of the line. Otherwise all are welcome to get their drums caressed, pass out, and fall asleep. 😴

Amazing Invention I Came up With! I just thought of a great new way to select the movie to watch for the day. Choices choices!!

Select two if just one is not grabbing me. Then use this logic: if “TITLE” doesn’t click for me after 20 mins, I go with plan/movie dos. My current 2 are:

The Milenmium Bug

It just seemed natural to poke I mean pick that one 🤣 👩 hmmm.

And Stalker. I read an article that makes me want to see this. I’ll report my findings after shaking hands with the Mayor at some point.  https://startefacts.com/news/one-of-sci-fi-s-all-time-greats-is-streaming-on-prime-in-april_a117


Dad: Son why did you pick that picture for the cover of your new book?

Damien: I like it. I look worried yet determined. That’s how I felt living as a bipolar writing and publishing this book. I like the Herman Hesse hat and Havana unbuttoned shirt. Relaxed me. It’s more about showing what I’ve done with this diagnosis. I’m out to be real and show how I’m still making it and having amazing vision for my life and influence in my present time.  It’s not a drawback to life, no matter how worried you may get. Put your hat on your head boy. Unbutton that shirt and go boy go INTO THE EARTLY REALMS and just be. As a high functioning Bipolar Professional one can press on and blow everybody away with their contribution, sometimes more than a normal brained professional can. Plus it often accompanies unbridled genius in cases like Vincent Van Gogh, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Richard Dreyfuss … it’s a huge and growing list et al. Google famous people with Bipolar disorder. This book though is for anyone struggling with haunting unfulfilled dreams fettered by the human condition. It’s not just for bipolars. I’m living an amazing life in the present moment. It’s pretty great typing right now. Buy my book, I tell my fans. Support me and my 3 kids. Support more books.

Dad: be very careful.

Damien: Always dad. I love you. This is a book I needed to write. Don’t worry. I got this. Thanks for the DNA and moral support. You’re the best dad in the world. No hyperbole.

Dad: 😎

My books are both available now for purchase, shipped directly. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/damienriley

Since I don’t have a person I’m always hearing I don’t deserve happiness unless I have a “person.” For me? I feel more at peace without a person. Our society says we need a person. I’m ok really. In many ways much better and more fulfilled. Hmmm. My person. Im still on the fence. If I figure it out, I’ll tell you. ;) I only have one person I need to say is my person : me. No office hours. Deal with it.