The Music of Damien S. Riley

Pail and Can – All Caught Up Homeshow 09/02/2024

4 weeks ago

Crackle O’ The Wind – All Caught Up 09/02/2024 One track live acoustic and vocal from my apt Crackle O' The Wind 09/02/2024 - "All Caught Up' Homeshow -…

4 weeks ago

Hi :) … I’m Not Your Guru Or “Pastor,” Heads Up Babe Just back the fuck off if you don't like me or don't "believe" my God Essence. Yep, you heard…

4 weeks ago


My EP Album Drops 08/16/2024 and I am super hoppy with the bunnies of the 60's, babe. "I hear…

4 weeks ago

SAVE THE DATE! “MANZANA” My 5 Song Album Drops on Apple Music, Spotify, et al: 09/16/2024

It's all in the can man, ready to go. I can't wait babe. This is a huge milestone for me…

4 weeks ago

This May Be My Next Song

4 weeks ago

Feels Like Working, Feels SO Good Babe*

Happiness is an inside job, in theory not produced, affected or created by any external reality. LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01…

4 weeks ago

Video Promo For MANZANA My 5 Song EP Watch This Space!

4 weeks ago

Countdown Babe! My EP Album Drops Monday (Today if you’re reading this on 9/16/2024)

Countdown Babe! My Album Drops Monday (Today if you're reading on 9/16/2024)  on Apple Music, Spotify, & many other Select…

1 month ago

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