the Consciousness Movement and Buddhism

Huge Things Happenin’ Here At The Loft!?!? 💖🦵✌️ "Here's a Thought!?" A series by Damien S. Riley #09132024 - anti-aneurism analgesic news 4 You (getting to be…

3 days ago

Hi :) … I’m Not Your Guru Or “Pastor,” Heads Up Babe Just back the fuck off if you don't like me or don't "believe" my God Essence. Yep, you heard…

2 weeks ago

Note From Room 222:

I see you financed an 80k car you were able to get because you do a job you dislike. Next…

3 weeks ago

Why Buy My eBook Titled “SURPLUS!” For $9.99? Now 👅 !?!? I’ll show you.

What is slowing you from a future you desire is a present that you’re complaining about. source I live here…

4 weeks ago

Repeating Digits In My Path

My tv and clock showed repeated digits after a hearty breakfast and perfect beginning text-talk w one of my supervisors…

1 month ago

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