Equidistant – adv. The state of being exactly the same distance from one point and the other(s). “At first I thought: I will park equidistant from McDonald’s and Walmart to pick up trips between 8:15a and 9:50a.” After that I realized through experimentation that I get around 56 Mbps wifi signal facing Wal mart AV parked as far to the back right lot of the store as I can find a spot. Yesss! I prefer working to sleeping when I have tricks, I’m not discouraged, and am in the flow of least resistance. Namaste. 🧘‍♂️

F U Iowa! You will not prevail in this confusing book banning legislation. Stop hating and mocking citizens just like you. Scroll down, watch the video and learn. We need liberal minded people to react to this s***.

“The law, which the Republican-led Legislature and GOP Gov. Kim Reynolds approved early in 2023, bans books depicting sex acts from school libraries and classrooms and forbids teachers from raising gender identity and sexual orientation issues with students through the sixth grade.1 day ago.”
Source: https://apnews.comhttps://apnews.com/article/iowa-book-ban-lgbtq-2b53b6c361bad54e94626a8a26b7f034#

To people who describe themselves as “Republican,” please respond to me. Mr. Trump posted the Sec. Of Maine, Shenna Bellows’, home address on his “Truth Social” website. She, an elected official, suffered her home being swatted and she, as well as her staff, received an onslaught of death threats and intimidation yesterday as a result. How do you respond to this? To me, it is criminally wrong behavior by Trump and how can one who does such a thing be your nominee for President? Please respond.

Mr. Trump posted the Sec. Of Maine’s home address on his “Truth Social” website. She, an elected official, suffered her home being swatted and she, as well as her staff, received an onslaught of death threats and intimidation yesterday as a result.
Mr. Trump posted the Sec. Of Maine’s home address on his “Truth Social” website. She, an elected official, suffered her home being swatted and she, as well as her staff, received an onslaught of death threats and intimidation yesterday as a result.

Save your dollars tip no. 43: As for Starbucks, Save your cups, & save your bucks 😊 Listen ups:

Some initial investments are necessary though you might already have them in your kitchen. L to R: $25 elec kettle, 2nd time Starbucks cup (washed and dried but only use 2x they get weak and can leak after that), Christmas gift of the good stuff (Folgers will do), & a $15-35 French press 🙃Note: If they double cup it, just throw out the wet one. You’ve got a brand new cup and it even has your personalized name and order sticker on it! Enjoy and save!