Social Media is my training wheels.

I keep my few open apps open to play in the sandbox. YouTube, on the other hand, is my second home. Don’t know my 🏠 home yet? My center of gravity is to be followed at

Go on, bookmark it horrors! That’s your role, my little horrors. Fans of me are now right here officially penned and dubbed as “My little shop of horrors.” Sign up now!!! I know you’re dying to be Dame’s whores I mean horrors.

That’s for You. (Audio)

S03E01 Ch 1 “That’s for You!” – what is this fascination for sharing everything? A Zen master needs not share so much. My next book is being written through podcasts! The first chapter of my next book. Working title is: “The Zen and Art of Delivering Uber.” Consider this a real honor! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

That’s for You.

S03E01 Ch 1 “That’s for You!” – what is this fascination for sharing everything? A Zen master needs not share so much. My next book is being written through podcasts! The first chapter of my next book. Working title is: “Zen and the Art of Delivering Uber.” Consider this a real honor!

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