Starting CH1 of Moby Dick at "But I Digress" this afternoon. It's a whale dear friends. Ride the novel with…
This one happened ok?!?! I wrote this one somewhat inspired by a tree in my front yard. Think of…
If you enjoy these birdies and related artworkz of ME, help keep it free for the public! Donate securely through…
"She's just the girl you want, there's. Chivalry in what I see. That leg 🦵 🍗 turns to me …… Ladies, just so you know your Casanova exists. I felt love for the first time in decades and I… Ahh so lovely my babe, Mac ❤️ 🦵🍗. A RILF to add to my list (Reporter I'd Like to…
Horny AF on the Lord's day Beach And Horror Safari - Issue# 41 😳 Join me and my night…
Do I have to? Before it rots yes. Pick 'em while their ripe or almost ripe. One project at a… Dream 😅 Dream of me. Sometimes I wonder was she hot when she first started getting serious in guitar…
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