Be thankful at all times.
“When you come close to selling out, reconsider.”
Bottomless Brunette
I may very well call my in-progress album Bottomless Brunette. Racy but soooo good.
I think my most elegant attribute at my age is a hard-earned ability to say “Fuck it.”
Sometimes you can’t do anything to change something so why worry about it? Let things be, forget about it and watch what happens. Stay in the present moment.
When you practice feeling thankful, you reap untold abundance and conserve energy in becoming wealthy energetically.
Feel thankfulness, reveal abundance.
“Blessed beyond measure! Woke up singing “I’m on an island that’s full of nude women and I am the only fellow!” Abundance!
Here I sit
Here I sit brokenhearted try to shit but only farted when I left. I took a chance tried to fart and shit my pants. -The bathroom wall