Hi reader. It’s been said if you have a why you can get by with any how.
My Day so far:
04:45:01 am Woke up with a grumbly tummy. Threw on warm clothes fixin’ to walk to Starbucks. Slid on my precious new coat my son Brandon bought me.
05:23:00 Felt the bronze lock latch as I slid the palm of my hand across the knob.
05:23:08 Pulled the door of my apt closed as my guardian Dane kicked my ass noticing we were not “with keys.”
I had no why really.
05:23:09 Felt the electric shock of immediate electrical panic through my nervous system like one of those PSA shows on Saturday morning that shows an xray of a nude cross-sected figure drinking milk. Unfortunately if it had tits I wasn’t there to get hard, not even the tinge of a beginning of it. π 400 Billion years of evolution to 06/09/1969 when I came out screaming from my mother’s womb flickered as if to warn of a non-existent menacing pterodactyl outside threatening me standing at my door on my veranda. It was a night threat but it fely gard, like preparing for Moby Dick for some asshole Ahab riding my ass. “You FUCK UP!” I heard VVNG and the “Our Town Of Apple Valley” Facebookwhisper with devil lying hatred like no one here may luckily ever know. Pain is not always bad however, it can be transformed to compassion for those with inoperable cancer who are afraid of their own death inside their rubber suit, and shit like that.
There aint no devil, shut the fuck up if you say there is.
I got home many minutes later with my Venti. I thought I might linger in the dining room but scurried home. I had texts in to my 3 kids about needing their spares. Julie and Brandon didn’t have theirs. Brandon had a logical reason, Julie did not. She lives with her Mom now. Bella sleeps til noon and we’d been fighting more intensely than we ever have. Than we EVER have.
I want to invote you to my next gig. Perks canceled on me, they gave “Unforeseen circumstances” as their reason. Fuck them. Inhuman.
So my gig venue for the concert has changed. Here’s your info.
I have been to the future and there’s some serious menacing HP Lovecraft shit that goes down. You need my show if you’re worried. Be worried. I’ve had my life threatened twice this past 6 months, just for speaking as a Democrat.
“It’s fukked up.”
Damien Riley is livestreaming a standup comedy and original music show for YOU dear soul.
When: 1/11/2025 (1/11)
Where: The Loft
I still hold out my hand to them explaining but I’m not gonna hold my breath. For some reason, I truly think they harbor hatred for me personally for some reason. It could just me me. The ball to communicate is in their court. I wash my hands of them and of this.
I forgive you Perks. Time to evolve and move on. It’s time for Republicans to lighten up on Democrats and understand we are in just as much pain as you. Sylvester McMonkey will not rest until every last one of us is pushing up daisies. I am not a conservative, find a way to trip on my songs while being ok with that. Would it be so hard, beaches? Are you a coward? Just literary thoughts. I’m doing a series on Moby Dick so these ideas crossed my mind.
I sat and wrote a kind and generous review of Perks yesterday, in response to being canceled. According to the good book, I chose to repay bad with good. Get it? I’m all about love but politics have stoked hate to the creme on top. It won’t last. Even if it does WE WON’T LAST. “80 years with luck or even less,” The Pink Floyd song says. I love you Republicans. I’d die for your freedom.
My concert has simply changed venues then. Sorry if my words offend. “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Edward Bulwer-Lytton And I am aware of it so pardon my words. I have forgiven thee.
“If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Obi wan Kenobi Ep 4
“Can’t we all just get along?” Rodney King
The livestream from my Loft will be televised. To those responsible for any hate I say this: NO MORE HAND HOLDING. Understand you are on your own from here on out. Why should I risk future gigs by speaking my political mind? I like performing for people more than that.
If I am wrong, why don’t you tell me so? Are you chicken? I operate in the light.
You matter to Professor Riley.
Attend my show here: https://youtube.com/live/kw4qfKm77N4?feature=share
Peace out, be good to each other.
Love and light,