Republicans: You messed with the wrong gender Desafortunadamente

This post is dedicated to Kamala, the “Karma Shangri-La” Now Come Upon American Republicans as a whole.

Dear Republicans As A Whole and to the Frumpy Adult Diaper Stink Ass Sex Offender Lying Felon Soon-To-Be-Incarcerated-til-death Then Buried in Isolation Alone Tired Looking Old Decrepit Man the GOP brainless Defends,

You as a LOT messed with the wrong gender babe. Theres no redemption for you at this point. Smile as you go under the women of America for the history books you cant ban will show.

Look out Nasa!
Look out Maybelline!
Look Out McDonalds!
Look out Disney!

She’s always been her daddy’s girl.

But that little “Daddy’s Girl” is gonna rock your world.

I love America You Republican Dipshits. Go cry to Your lovely Mike Pence and Ronny DeSantis.


Damien, American Democrat and Humorist ✌️, from his veranda at The Loft in Apple Valley California. Join the party at

I am Damien S. Riley, American Humorist, and I endorse Kamala Harris for President.

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