What I learned Today About The Momentum I Am In

I am juggling too much shit. Time to compartmentalize. I think I’ll keep my profile acct on Facebook but the Page is dragging me away from my miraculous stuff. I’ll maybe post something there weekly, or never.

On another learning front: You know, I used to feel so crippled on my phone. Now? I have to close my laptop to do my video stuff etc. I’ve become more adept on my Android and iPhone, though my iPhone is on the way OUT. Old, bad battery, can’t hold a charge. It has way more space tho, so that kinda sux I run out of memory now a lot faster. I do a LOT of deleting. For every short you see from me, I delete at least 5 ideas. Time to strip stuff down, I feel overwhelmed between the books, the music, the podcast. If I just stick to RileyOnFilm.com and don’t look back, I’m so much more rested and focused. I put an 18 and over plugin on it. Ready to roll, babe. I don’t need to go anywhere else … much. For me to want that, the simplicity of just f-ing blogging again, is HUGE spiritual growth. Christians, back off, I don’t mean your kind. I love myself. You know, we’ll see how it goes but I feel such a peace just writing this down. On my blog, I do what the F I want. Facebook these days is like easting cotton candy til the fair shuts down then you puke your guts out and no one cares … every fucking day. I’ve learned most people are ok with it and don’t get let down as much as I do. I don’t mean to say you are less than I, but when you’ve been part of a blog community, an author community, a music community, a teaching community FB gets old real fast. FB fails to satisy I don’t know why I always set up there thinking it will be different. I’ll still stay on there though. You can check in with me anytime at RileyOnFilm.com

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