It feels like it’s my birthday!

Thank you universe of logic and creativity on one whole.

Join me as we hear millions of shackles collapse metal hard and  scattered on cement floors all across America. Vote Kamala in November. Yessiree Bob, I am pleased. Ass**** Tr*** cannot possibly win now.

How do you like sexy JD now Conservatives?

Jk I value all people.

Justice matters and so hanging in there matters  too.

The Call of the Wild – Riley on Film & Literature

Almost 5 hours of commentary. Available for your listening adventures, free! A great tool against insomnia as a swashbuckling journey through the lens of an online diarist. I hope u enjoy, do participate by leaving comments here or on YouTube. Much appreciated. Great ASMR for insomnia.
Commentaries by me. podcaster and author Damien Riley 2024. Free for the listening. I hope you enjoy.