SAVE THE DATE! “MANZANA” My 5 Song Album Drops on Apple Music, Spotify, et al: 09/16/2024

It’s all in the can man, ready to go. I can’t wait babe. This is a huge milestone for me and my music. I feel like an 8-year-old kid standing in line to see Star Wars for the 22nd time, for the first time, which I did at the Chrisanta Twin in Theater, Mission Viejo in the late 70’s or early 80’s.

I just want my songs to be on Apple music cuz I know a lot of my family and friends don’t even listen to YouTube music. They’re on Apple music mostly. Spotify is huge too with my kids and younger people I have observed. It’s going to be great to just point people to the EP thereafter once it goes live.

Huge on my path, babe.

Below is the YT playlist of what will be up. I’ve already had it on YT for a while. YouTube and YouTube music are where I listen to all my music and all the music of REM, and all the music that’s coming out, and Coldplay and anything on a playlist I listen to is on youtube. So it’s no big deal to me in my listening life that it’s going to be on Apple and Spotify. The buzz is because I feel like a lot more people will have access to my tunes in their casual pattern. To me that’s just “the bomb” folks. That’s the amazing thing I’ve accomplished for me, for D. I’m stoked babe. I’ve never been more ready.

What I learned Today About The Momentum I Am In

I am juggling too much shit. Time to compartmentalize. I think I’ll keep my profile acct on Facebook but the Page is dragging me away from my miraculous stuff. I’ll maybe post something there weekly, or never.

On another learning front: You know, I used to feel so crippled on my phone. Now? I have to close my laptop to do my video stuff etc. I’ve become more adept on my Android and iPhone, though my iPhone is on the way OUT. Old, bad battery, can’t hold a charge. It has way more space tho, so that kinda sux I run out of memory now a lot faster. I do a LOT of deleting. For every short you see from me, I delete at least 5 ideas. Time to strip stuff down, I feel overwhelmed between the books, the music, the podcast. If I just stick to and don’t look back, I’m so much more rested and focused. I put an 18 and over plugin on it. Ready to roll, babe. I don’t need to go anywhere else … much. For me to want that, the simplicity of just f-ing blogging again, is HUGE spiritual growth. Christians, back off, I don’t mean your kind. I love myself. You know, we’ll see how it goes but I feel such a peace just writing this down. On my blog, I do what the F I want. Facebook these days is like easting cotton candy til the fair shuts down then you puke your guts out and no one cares … every fucking day. I’ve learned most people are ok with it and don’t get let down as much as I do. I don’t mean to say you are less than I, but when you’ve been part of a blog community, an author community, a music community, a teaching community FB gets old real fast. FB fails to satisy I don’t know why I always set up there thinking it will be different. I’ll still stay on there though. You can check in with me anytime at

Now Watching: The Whip & The Body

👻 Gothic Horror, Romance Directed by Mario Bava from 1963

Starring Christopher Lee 👍

About 20 minutes into it and the woman is beautiful Christopher Lee is staggeringly excellent as he always is with these horrors. I love the piano that builds the fear and also the concert type music really really creepy like haunted House movie also a lot of nights on gothic beaches which as you know I love the ocean 😉

Have you seen this one. Let me know what you thought, or if you’re planning on seeing it, in the comments! I do plan to review this film on my podcast, it may already be posted when you are reading this.

Feels Like Working, Feels SO Good Babe*

Happiness is an inside job, in theory not produced, affected or created by any external reality.

LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

*This post has numerous, distracting errors as I am using the voice to text feature on my phone. I hope you enjoy, may you find a way to feel good, through your Own personal art of HUMAN INTENTION. If you dream it, you already have it,you just need to align your vibration by seeing the good feeling and going toward it. I believe you can. I am.

What does it feel like to do my job?

It feels like working. Wow what an oceanic idea.

How about a non-example: It doesn’t feel like a yummy lunch. It doesn’t feel like getting out of the hospital after a car crash. It doesn’t feel like going to Disneyland. It feels like working.

But I don’t mind in fact I’m glad I have a job. Funny how when you can’t work, like you’re prevented by external reality, you dream of feeling it. It’s never toil you miss. So now that I’m back in the classroom with my students I’ll have till christmas, I’m in a very good mood most of the time. It’s like how I felt when I had a gig coming up at hilltop. Which I’m contacting them about doing another time Why? Because it feels like working for my dreams and working feels good. Teaching English at the college is my adult dream, it comes true every MWF. I used to enjoy Uber was until

I was in a head on collision, I could have easily died. When I saw the car I cried inside. I have no memory of the accident. Much to the dismay of the cops and everyone in the insurance that asked me. I was hit at an estimated 65 miles per hour, that was the lady who hit me. Apparently I made an unsafe left turn and she hit me head on. I don’t really care if my insurance rates go up. That’s what insurance is for. I don’t ever make gun safe left turns.

Working all that out felt like hell. Realizing what had happened to me felt like heaven. Because I’m still alive. To work.

But working is just one way to feel good. I used to dread things even in work that I didn’t want to do. I only wanted to do things that I wanted to do, if you take my meaning. But as not Han has taught me and so many other of my teachers like Esther hicks. I am a creator of my own feelings they are a prism of what is. I am not made to feel good by external constraints or pushes like work. I am not happy only when things go my way and make me feel good. Cuz that never lasts anyway. I can feel good in any situation like Paul said. Happy with little happy with a lot. But now I’m sitting down on my easy chair and I’m beginning to look at wonderful thoughts of my students and help them make better arguments for what they’re trying to say that’s one of my classes. The other is English literature and we’ve been talking about finding that inspiration from inside and how the Best Authors are never prejudice cuz they recognize that everybody has a brain and a spinal cord and not everybody sees everything the way they do. I think it’s a good lesson. I learned it at the community college and now I get to teach it to others.

Sweating in 106 degree wind at Mesa Linda Park This Summer. Feels like working. Feels so good babe.

It feels really really good. But if it didn’t I would change my momentum to doing it a way that it did feel good. That’s what this accident did for me.

“We are the magic makers we are the dreamers of dreams.”

-Willy Wonka in Roald Dahl’s book a out chocolate

When you hear from me with a new creation, and you will, just remember it always comes from a place of feeling good. And if I get a negative feeling I am the dreamer of dreams and I can make it sweet and sour. That’s what makes life worth living feeling good. And as we do it the Law of Attraction brings more and more. We limit ourselves when we never develop our potential as creators not to create songs or books those happen when you feel good. But rather to learn to wield like a sword against bad feelings the power of making ourselves feel good.

It feels like butterscotch candies. It feels like cheese enchiladas. Believe it or not, for me and because of the talents that I am perfecting to make myself feel good. It feels like working. Feels the same as fun. I’ve made it. Sounds like this:

Ask me how I’m feeling. You know 🙂 but ask!

Pure fun is coming.

Shhh. Here’s the manifestation beaches and horrors! Coming To Apple Music and Spotify in just a few days. Me So Hoppy Boss.

A YT playlist of my New EP “Manzana”

You’re welcome beaches and horrors, Love ya.


Damien 08/31/2024

Rockin out over here babe.

My Spiritual Resume! by Damien S. Riley

Since in the past 30+ years or so I have offered my voice and intend to continue broadcasting my public written and spoken views of Christianity in the post-modern era, here is my attempt at a “spiritual resume” to declare my informal authority.  Note: since about 2015 I am a practicing Buddhist. There is no longer an evangelical component in my continued and evolving spirituality. This document is not here to give my detractors and critics ammo. Thank you. Hope springs eternal but hatred is nothing new to this theme throughout the recorded history of humankind. I try to not take it personally when I see it. This is mostly for me. I made it to forward to others in theory to save time going forward. Thank you for your interest 🤠

My “Spiritual Resume” is below.

As a spiritual and attemptedly honest person, I recall there is a remnant or more of evidence I have had the following roles in my life:

Experienced worship leader, Accomplished Guitar Player in the church, Amateur piano player in the church, Wedding & Funeral leadership leader and participant,  Prayer group leader, Bilingual Spanish/English witnessing Christian in a variety of locales and modalities including California and Mexico, Bible teacher and Devotional leader across several demographics in Southern California off and on for 35+ years, Attendee or Member of record for varying periods of time at High Desert Church, Calvary Chapel, Saddleback Church, and Harvest Christian Fellowship, and other churches both small and mega-style, Wisdom advocate and once associate of Pastors/Authors Chuck Smith Jr., John Hallowell, Rick Moore, and several other key humans I considered influencers in modern Christianity, Valued member of my community’s public groups wherever I have resided, and Lastly, I Am An Awake Human.

Questions? You may contact me at:

ZenYLaFermata at


Damien S. Riley

updated 08/30/2024 7:20a

Me on a city bus to work in Victorville, CA

Appalling, Disrespectful Behavior By Donald Trump, A Daily Occurrence These Days, But This One Takes The Cake

Appalling and sick behavior by Don once again. This time it’s almost beyond my comprehension.

Donald Trump is saying that his photo opportunity in which a staffer of his pushed a government Arlington cemetery employee, a woman, aside in a violent manner when he was told Trump’s “motorcade” could not take pictures at section 60 which is the law, was a “setup” by “the left?” ?? Sick and disgusting as usual from Don.

From a very young age I was taught as I think many people have been taught to not stand on a grave. He broke the rules of a sacred place and took photos to promote himself STANDING ON THE GRAVES OF RECENT FALLEN SOLDIERS.

This is from a local station I’ve watched and found to be truthful since the 1980’s, KTLA Los Angeles. I am nauseous and can’t wait until we don’t talk about him anymore. It reminds me of the executive builder in Poltergeist. Appalling, reprehensible news about Donald J. Trump: a convicted felon running to be our nation’s leader and receiving many of YOUR support. Sickening

The Army issues a public rebuke of his lies