More on this later but please read

Wisdom is earned and when you have it, you suffer much much less. This is true because simply, you know how to rest. I am just as affected by the election as anyone,

apart from women who wanted Harris to win, they are suffering the most.

I am mulling around a post in my head, so stay tuned. Here’s for starters:

Don’t make any big decisions right now table everything go to sleep take a nap Pace your day. Every time there’s resistance in your life and something doesn’t go your way it takes away mental ability. When your guy or gal loses an election I think that that’s a huge hit to your mentality. Relax. Things are great and gonna be better. 🤗

My family is no longer a unit. I cannot I’m embrace them but I can forgive. Lets forgive friends. Watch this space for important wisdom today and as I own my 6th book here in plain sight. “The Dynamite Lesson Plan” Listen to John Denver. I know we are hurting. Let it go, take a nap.

I Go On (Kyle Adem)

Watch this video you broken hearted. I am with you. But cheer up! Me and my two friends Richard Kirkham and Howard Casner will build your soul back with our episode of “But I Digress” on the 1979 film “Time After Time!” Editing as we speak! I hope to post it today dear friends. Subscribe, beaches and horrors WILL SOON BE YOURS!

Don’t lose heart, keep the faith, the way out is in! Prof Riley believes in YOU!

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