Punk Rock Saved my Teenage Years, even now it’s … ♥️ -DAme


Shameless plug.

Come catch my shoew Ayg 2, see hiw my nightingalish voice really sounds through the PA 🤠

Have a good day,



“Going out in a Blaze of Glory, my hands are held up high. I cry with anger, I have DONE NO CRIME!” Alarm solid.
Don’t even watch this one!!! Lol. JK I put it up, watch it babe. ~felt

Reviewing 60’s horror (whore) movies. sp!?

How do you waste the most time every day?

Let’s see, that chick is comedy, the one with the boa, drama, those twins look like horrors (whores). I’ll have them. A 2fer?!?: “Lets learn language!!“

– rileyonfilm.com is me.

DAme, humorist

¡Zen y La Fermata! – Companion Projects Index

This avant gard 3 companion art piece by me, Damien Riley, can seem complicated.

How do you access and experience all three domains?

Easy: Use this page as an index for the three parts and refer to it while exploring the exhibits and I think most will understand and enjoy this powerful and sometimes taboo work quite well. I am affixing it to the top of my site for easy reference. It will likely be a while until my next big project. Until then subscribe to my site and like wherever you find me! It helps me eat and care for (spoil) my three kids. God bless you for helping.

Jumping around is allowed. I now release you to look around the exhibit. When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance. I feel I have here to n this conglomerate art piece 4u 4me 4all.

“Strawberry Fields, nothing is real.” -John Lennon

Namaste. ♥️🎙️🎸📚


My work utilizes high vibrations of voluminous journaling with some thoughts built over long periods of time. Let us know how it goes and feel free to ask questions. Best Practice!! Leave comments and help transform this website into a dialog instead of its monologue nature. You can change that. We could get huge.

The services above are powerful and effective blogging and publishing tools I use every day to make and produce my art on Riley on Film ergot projects like ¡Zen y La Fermata!

Please support me by commenting, liking, following RileyonFilm.com and if you feel so led and have the means to donate, please please please Find and join my work on PATREON. We can become huge. But my art will mostly be provided free to those without pocket money. There are PATREON benefits for dedicated horrors. Show me your oral talent(s) at commenting as well.

¡Zen y La Fermata! Completed and ready for fans! by Apple Valley’s own author Damien Riley

¡Zen y La Fermata! Completed thought! Done. Get my piece, Damien Riley across 3 modalities.

it’s done! Here for y’all for free. Get huge attention by joining my PATREON!!! I can show you the magic of thankfulness and imagination in your life. That’s just really special outtakes and other benefits. My ongoing life art project will always be available at my blog rileyonfilm.com, even if the name and purpose shifts. Bookmark rileyonfilm.com and you is done pal y walzies!!! for free as long as I’m alive and kicking. I put out

well that but I meant posts daily, sometimesmultiple. Come join my growing fan network, the best people on earth.

The Audiobook Part of ¡Zen y La Fermata!

Read by me, the author, Z Damien Riley, y La 𝄐 (I’m lookin for you!) I know you’re getting ready 4me.

Direct link to audiobook file, find it wherever podcasts are hosted. play in player or download.

Women like this are listening. Oh my. That’s a thrill for the centuries. Hi out there 😉
Podcast show containing: The Audiobook Part of ¡Zen y La Fermata!

Podcast of the audiobook (follow & like me) https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/damien-riley/episodes/Zen-y-La-Fermata-e2kvdjj

¡Zen y La Fermata! (Audiobook) read by the author, Damien Riley