
Undefinable. Maybe I’ll get 3 listens this time. It’s my therapy no worries. Please listen to his song.

Send in a voice message:

Damien Riley Quotes for fellow crazy cats! I moonlight as a stand up comedian, and I’m funny too!

“The more you let go the less you find yourself needing.”

Unless you received a disconnect notice from the gas company. You need to get that paid.

-Damien Riley

It was once a film show. Yesterday I got into Buddhism. The best legs in the world belong to:

My work is Akin to Playboy but most models are fully clothed., in fact there are no actual women. In further fact I am available. Come be my corpse bride you easily impressionable beautiful sexy women out there. Rowr.

Someone has a problem with that? (Answer is my bumper sticker.)

Tune in

Ep. 1 of Riley on Film’s “The Night Owl With Damien”

Get Nekkid if u want. I am.

Wisdom on Women from City Slicker’s “Curly” played by Jack Palance … says it all for me ;)

Mitch: You ever been in love?
Curly: Once. I was driving a herd across the panhandle. Texas. Passed near this little dirt farm right about sundown. Out in the field was this young woman, working down in the dirt. Just about then she stood up to stretch her back. She was wearing a little cotton dress, and the settin’ sun was right behind her, showing the shape that God had give her.
Mitch: What happened?
Curly: I just turned around and rode away.
Mitch: Why?
Curly: I figured it wasn’t gonna get any better than that.
Mitch: But you could have been, you know…with her.
Curly: Been with lots of women.
Mitch: Yeah, but you know, she could have been the love of your life.
Curly: She is.

Aesthetically pleasing she is.