The Day After

I saw repeating numbers

I slept off a lingering head cold.

Not feeling intense alignment with universe.

But I feel it coming.

(I Blogged this May 4th, about the time it began)

Update: Note to self, 9/21/2024: Hold your head up high, if you desire mating, it’s meant to come and I’m assuring you it’s on the way. Fasten your seat belts and get ready my sweet sexy lovely babe. I can say I hear from the United States all day now. I listen.

When My Ex Filed for Divorce

Noooooo. Wahhhhhhh.

Self advice I’d give him: We live and die alone. Everything you need is within you. Don’t make a fool of yourself over someone walking away. Stupid move. You’re tough, allow a little heartache and loneliness. Be. Loneliness can be a signal of something more important in your situation that needs addressing. She’ll never fill that.