Let what is, be.

This is a manifested sign of what I’ve been learning from Buddhism, my practice of it.
So much beauty around me today

Let what is, be.

I fall in love multiple times a day. rileyonfilm.com

One of my 3 sources of income is: Watching movies and podcasting about them. Come join me. Be warned, my charmed life as a professor and Uber driver will come up. It’s my life! It’s an online diary. Ya know what? It’s going spectacularly rileyonfilm.com

I am not worthy to comment on perfection. BUT I will say Michelle Branch is one hot bunny with Saturn-like gifts in music. I’m a forever fan.
On days I still miss my ex. I’m learning detachment but it always creeping up once in a while. This quote on my fridge is like medicine to those who are awake.

The List …

What jobs have you had?

Printer’s helper

Round Table Pizza

Alpha Beta Grocery (out of business)

Pizza Hut Management


Elementary School Teacher (22 yrs)

College Professor of English (6+)

Uber Eats

Writing Center Tutor (Cerritos College)

Shipping Bay for chips

Clown at child events.

Barista at β€œCoffee Bean and Tea Leaf”

Online tutor β€œSplash Learningβ€œ

Sub Teacher

Seasonal Christmas Store β€œBetween Friends”

Autism support tutor β€œin home”

Car Stereo Installer β€œFederated Group”

I’m fairly certain I’m missing small jobs.

Donate Securely via Paypal to me at @rileyonfilm ... button coming soon babe. Love, -Damien