Girl on the Third Floor, 2019 – ★★★

IMDB is being harsh to this film giving it a 4/10. I really liked it! I gave it a 6/10. I thought the house was creepy, the story was just so so but it worked for me, keeping me repelled and attracted in equal measure.
You can listen to my full podcast review at and watch my review on Youtube

Below is an unedited word for word transcript of an audio recording. It is included just for meta purposes. There are no corrections or punctuation additions.

Okay, this film is called the girl on the third floor and I really liked this movie it didn’t do very well with the critics on Internet Movie Database it’s sitting on a 4 out of 10 but I really liked it and I think they’re being a little bit too classic story is you have Don Koch who was played by C Punk who is somebody I wasn’t familiar with but apparently he’s an MMA award-winning medal winning fighter I don’t really follow that sport so I don’t know him but as I was watching it I could tell that he was probably established in something else before he became an actor because his body was covered with tattoos but he’s trying to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family only to learn that the house has other directors is Travis Stevens and he’s known mostly as a producer he was the producer of Buster’s mal Hart which I haven’t seen but it appears to be a horror movie so I think I need to see that especially since I like this film that Travis Stephens directed but Travis Stephens is mostly a producer let me read some of these credits maybe you’ve heard of them mohawk that was an awesome horror movie Busters mal Hart I just mentioned 68 kill xxxx 24 by 36 a movie about movie posters that sounds fine we are still here that’s a horror movie starry eyes I really like that horror movie as well so he’s done a lot of stuff cheap thrills was an amazing kind of horror suspense gore big ass spider the Thompsons the aggression scale what fun we were having zombie diaries – so he’s done let’s look at a few of the cast I’ve already mentioned CM Punk let me just leap read his little blip because I think he’s quite interesting how he came from MMA to actually be in a horror movie Philip Jack Brooks better known by the ring name CM Punk is an American mixed martial artist comic book writer and former professional wrestler he’s best known for his time in WWE where he’s recognized as the sixth longest reigning WWE Champion of all time Punk began his professional wrestling career on the American independent circuit and it goes on and on it lists a lot of accolades he did a good job and I enjoy take a look at the plot first a deeply flawed ex lawyer named Don Koch seeking a new start in life purchases a rundown old house in the suburbs of Chicago with the intent of fixing it up to provide himself and his pregnant wife Liz a new life away from the city he moves into the home ahead of her along with his dog Cooper determined to begin renovating without professional help he learns through his neighbors that the house has a sordid past and begins experimenting supernatural events within the home and it is kind of creepy because there’s this one very attractive actress who keeps coming up to talk to him while he’s working on things seemingly flirting with him but you don’t really get that for a while but when she starts full-on just asking to sleep with him he can’t resist so this is actually a major flaw in this character because he keeps communicating back with his wife who is pregnant about nine months pregnant and he’s insisting upon doing the work there all by himself so you think he’s kind of the man with all the tattoos and everything which is when I knew he probably wasn’t just a regular actor but maybe a crossover person somebody like Henry Rollins because actors don’t generally tattoo their whole body well sure enough I was correct and it’s a sea Punk who we’ve talked about who was a WWE ne…

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Jacob’s Ladder (2019)

This film entrances the viewer through colors and filters but falls short of the original’s impact. I did find the film enjoyable, just in a different way.  Jacob Singer (Michael Ealy) is a medical officer in the Afghanistan war. For those who recall 911, these wars followed in response to terrorism. It is a war even millennials can probably  recall. But that is the only updated theme from the original. This new film is its own animal, that’s for sure. Many reviewers have noted it wanders far off from the original but that doesn’t mean it was bad to wander. He seems responsible and strong which are clearly needed in this hell of a place. Events transpire that send him home but he can’t shake the fact that he saw his dying (or dead) brother before leaving the war for home. It’s evident how much horror is in war but it seems something more intense is afoot, Jacob’s mental health or a drug it’s not quite clear.

(Read the rest of this review at Horror News Net along with my other published horror reviews)

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The House by the Cemetery (1981)

Here we have Lucio Fulci set at full gore mode. Have you seen this film? Horror fans will probably love it, I did!! I give you my “intro” and short review of the film in audio or video.

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The Invisible Man – and some other films

Here’s what I’ve been watching! Also available now on Youtube


welcome to Riley on film
I’m your host Amy and Riley you can find

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always at Riley on film calm now

on with the show so it goes on and on
and after a while about halfway through

it does start to get rather interesting
and that’s when you start to see

evidence of the Invisible Man
and it is very enjoyable at that point

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Book of Monsters (2018)

I truly enjoyed this film along my quest to see the best splatter comedies. This one is so ridiculous in all the right ways. I think I got scared a few times?

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Class of Nuke ‘Em High – My Audio Review

This is the second installment in my new genre Splatter-Horror-Comedy. Mostly from the 80’s these films are sure to please the bachelor party type among you. Could that BE you? Nipples to guts, these films have all the banal delights.

So pull up a chair or a sofa and have a listen to me talk about “Class of Nuke ‘Em High.” Make sure to subscribe to my feed here or my Youtube channel. This is indeed some fun raunchy stuff! You know you want it. (Don’t pay attention to my unbalanced laundry load you hear for a small while in the background!)

Robert Prichard in Class Of Nuke ‘Em High (1986)

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Hell Girl (2019)

Synopsis: A reality tv team of ghost hunters clash with an ancient malevolent spirit that gives the team a run for their money.

Review: Hell Girl is a new film that stands on the merits of characters like “Ghosthunters” on a reality show. It has a story within a story that may be hard for some to follow but is accessible if you have the patience and desire. For me, the film was a lot of false starts. Nonetheless, the humor shone through and ghost hunting young adults helped make it a bearable experience. The ancient ghost presence never really scared me but I respected the film as a paranormal reality show behind the scenes.

Read my full written review at:

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Satan’s Little Helper (2004)

An offbeat B-movie with a smokin’ hot babe, a somewhat recognizable star and the devil himself. This is the first film I got to watch for my new writing gig at Ok now I will just say it: Katheryn Winnick, if we ever meet around town, would you consider signing my ____ in Sharpie? You are a goddess.

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Braid (2019)

In this episode, I’m going to walk you through Braid, well sort of a semi walk through, not as thorough as some of the other ones I’ve done, but if you do not like spoilers, then you might not want to tune into this one because there’s gonna be plenty of them.

First, a quick synopsis to wanted women decide to Rob their wealthy, psychotic friend who lives in the fantasy world they created as children to take the money they have to take part in a deadly perverse game of make-believe. I almost don’t feel qualified to talk about this film because a, it’s about young women who had childhood make believe that continued until adults and two, it’s just very disturbing and not usually the kind of film that I would probably do a walkthrough of. However, it’s recent, it’s out there. It’s on prime, and so I’m going to go ahead and do this one, recommend it to you. (Transcription of audio below may have errors, it is done automatically from the audio file)

01:31 Ironically, during the feel good Christmas season, I’m handling brewers in this and we have seen her in the Handmaid’s tale. He’s the one that loses her eye and her character is named Janine Lindo. He’s extremely disturbing. He’s a very beautiful young woman. But in that role it’s kind of hard to tell cause she’s got an eye poked out. There’s usually something bad to happen into her all the time. But the Handmaid’s tale would be a whole nother show. So I don’t want to get too on to that. She’s also in cam, she plays Alice and Lola and I recommended that in the past. I said, good, good movie. It’s on Netflix. So that’s another fail. I believe I did a show on that. If I have it in the archives. See what happened is I moved my show to a different server and it just took forever to do each show.

02:28 So not every show got moved over. But as I mentioned them, and as I see that I’ve done them, I’ll put them up. So I’ll try and put the cam show image in Waterhouse’s in this. She reminds me a lot of, she sort of reminds me of sort of like younger Jessica chasse, Dane or smaller Jessica Chasteen. I think she’s got a lot of work ahead of her and movies and she certainly shows a lot of potential and she’s one of the masterminds of this crazy plot. He’s also been in nocturnal. We may see a lot more from her. She does a great job in this and you have Sarah. Hey, one of the other girls, she’s in flesh and bone black Swan. I’m dying up here. Room one Oh four he did a great job in this and she herself is the actual master mind of this group.

03:17 Then we have Scott Cohen took me about four minutes to try and remember what I had seen him from and then thanks to my wife and daughters, I have a keen recollection of Gilmore girls. That’s right. He is the English teacher. Beau of ms Laura lie. They date and they have issues and they have conflict and if you’ve seen yo more girls, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That’s the guy he looks like he’s aged a little bit. I think they tried to make him look older because these girls are supposed to be older as well, so they made him look really older. What happens with him is quite interesting. The whole movie is interesting. So without any further ado, let’s go ahead and get into braid and what it’s all about.

04:13 How’d you know? I’m very fond of horror, so I’m always doing searches of whore and this was a search of a more recent horror. I came up with a few that I hadn’t seen but aren’t gee honest. I think I’ve kind of wiped it out. I need to see the light house. If you’ve seen the light house, send me a little message on that or make a comment or reply on Twitter. Just what do you think of lighthouse? Because it got such great reviews. However, friends of mine that I respect a lot are saying and not good sucked,

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