Mission Accomplished With my Fund Raiser and a Final Fuck You to Hilltop Tavern and Inn and you know who else.

Fuck You to Hilltop Tavern and Inn and you know who, a beginner writer for the Daily (De)Pressed. She might grow, that’s up to her. She owes every student at VVC a huge apology, I’m not gonna hold my breath. Onward I say, away from me losers like her tribe.

Y’all donated twice what I asked for!?!? Shit yeah!?!?! Tis over now thx! Peace babe

See the amazing GoFundMe data here: https://gofund.me/f0613315https://gofund.me/f0613315https://gofund.me/f0613315

Watch this space for my concert info. I have irons in the fire! There are so many good people below the Almighty “Hilltop” what a joke business. So stay tuned music fans of Damien Riley music, lots more is coming. I love you

Damien S. Riley

Damien S. Riley is a creator of: music, books, a podcast on at "Riley on Film."All his work can be enjoyed at his blog, Riley Central RileyOnFilm.com Besides being a professional musician, Damien is a college English and logic professor. His style is soft rock akin to the Smiths and REM but also hooky 60’s music like "Peter Paul and Mary." Damien has recorded and performed with 80's -90’s arena rock band “The Alarm” founding member and original guitarist Dave Sharp. From Damien: “I've created, discovered, and refined a meadow along my way online with my books, blog, podcast, and primordial videos. Do jump in and swim around. Like a 60’s movie.” Come on in, the water’s fine.”

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