Books by Damien S. Riley

¡Zen y La Fermata! Album Dropped on YouTube 6/13/2024 🪅

By rocker prof. singer-guitarist Damien Riley

Album linked and embedded in this post below. I hope you enjoy. ~DAME

¡Zen y La Fermata! Dropped 6/13/2024 🪅 & we are partying on 24/7 365 forever after.

I’m so pleased you’re reading and listening to my stuff. I aim to do right by my contribution. ¡Zen y La Fermata! is the best thing I’ve ever done musically, it needs listeners!! -DAME ♥️🙏

¡Zen y La Fermata! Album component is 30 tracks of Damien Riley original music and a television interview with him on the Duke Fight Master web show from way back in god knows when – included. (Thanks to Jessica!!)

Damien Riley: “To all my fans: I am so thankful for this album, it’s likely to be my life’s masterpiece, I can feel it. Along with the book and audiobook of the same name, it represents a trio self-portrait to the universe I and my inner being create. In other words: this is who I am across three artistic domains. I hope my kids get riches and wisdom from what I leave behind in this trio of art. ¡Zen y La Fermata! – my project now completed is for them, for you, apropos of nothing in particular, seriously.

Album artwork above.

Mostly, this is for me. I have arrived, I am awake dear friends. Nothing is real. Yay me. Listen to the jangly guitar, it’s all there in a little world apart from yours. Come on in and let’s dance. -Damien Riley 6/12/2024 🎸

Just below is my audio intro/AD to the album. Keep scrolling down for the link to the album and an embedded YouTube player featuring the album itself! Thx ♥️

Trouble with the player? Here’s a direct link to this podcast “AD” episode, it’s only a few mins long:

The masterpiece Zen y La Fermata is now available for public listening. Here’s a link to the playlist which I call an album below. It is 30 tracks of original songs and an interview I did on a comedy show: direct link or embed player.

“Come in everybody, here we go!” Peter Pan flying and leading. I identify with him with respect to this album and what it took to create it. You really have to give your all with Art that inspires, or at least attempts to. My definitely aims to inspire through Zen, music, naked women, and the movies. See you in the concession line!

“Thank you, it’s impossible what you do.” from my song “A Supermaket in California.” -DAME
Damien S. Riley

Damien S. Riley is a creator of: music, books, a podcast on at "Riley on Film."All his work can be enjoyed at his blog, Riley Central Besides being a professional musician, Damien is a college English and logic professor. His style is soft rock akin to the Smiths and REM but also hooky 60’s music like "Peter Paul and Mary." Damien has recorded and performed with 80's -90’s arena rock band “The Alarm” founding member and original guitarist Dave Sharp. From Damien: “I've created, discovered, and refined a meadow along my way online with my books, blog, podcast, and primordial videos. Do jump in and swim around. Like a 60’s movie.” Come on in, the water’s fine.”

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