Save your dollars tip no. 43: As for Starbucks, Save your cups, & save your bucks 😊 Listen ups:

Some initial investments are necessary though you might already have them in your kitchen. L to R: $25 elec kettle, 2nd time Starbucks cup (washed and dried but only use 2x they get weak and can leak after that), Christmas gift of the good stuff (Folgers will do), & a $15-35 French press 🙃Note: If they double cup it, just throw out the wet one. You’ve got a brand new cup and it even has your personalized name and order sticker on it! Enjoy and save!

“Preparation to meet our “villain” is the key to good mental health. You should do all you can to prepare for the villain. If you care for yourself, you care for him and he doesn’t have to be your villain at all. The Chinese have a saying “To defeat one’s enemy you must first make him/her beautiful.” That’s what the dragons in parades represent.” -Damien Riley

A quote from my book “Bipolar Professional”

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