A Lost Song of my College Band Recovered “Construction” – Listen to my screaming’ telecaster guitar solo, Age 22.
I play the guitar solo in the middle! It’s a fun song. I wrote and sang it and yes that’s me playing lead guitar. Listen to the breakdown part where the beat slows down. Damn Damien!! Quite proud of it. I was 22.
Save your dollars tip no. 43: As for Starbucks, Save your cups, & save your bucks 😊 Listen ups:
Some initial investments are necessary though you might already have them in your kitchen. L to R: $25 elec kettle, 2nd time Starbucks cup (washed and dried but only use 2x they get weak and can leak after that), Christmas gift of the good stuff (Folgers will do), & a $15-35 French press 🙃Note: If they double cup it, just throw out the wet one. You’ve got a brand new cup and it even has your personalized name and order sticker on it! Enjoy and save!
Farmers always sow seed but when they’ve done it to the point of fatigue, it’s time to stop awhile and reap the earned abundance. Always be sowing but relax when you know it’s time for rest and reaping and enjoy it. 2024 is gonna be a time of rest and abundance with me 😊
An encouragement to me and all Americans from a powerful woman powerfully doing her service as an elected official. May her tribe increase.
Thank you to the Honorable Shenna Bellows, Maine’s 50th Secretary of State.
Twins of Evil with Peter Cushing – Apart from the cleavage, not much worth seeing here 1/5
Twins of Evil – Apart from the boobage, not much great here. 1/5
Yeah, this one you can miss. There are better ways to learn that the way of “The Lord” is not about burning young topless virgins, though that does appeal to many. I found it boring with terrible writing. What is the goal here?
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My license plate cover should read: “Wounded veteran K12 Teacher 2002-2017 Westside Park School Adelanto CA” 🤬
Not remotely joking.
“Preparation to meet our “villain” is the key to good mental health. You should do all you can to prepare for the villain. If you care for yourself, you care for him and he doesn’t have to be your villain at all. The Chinese have a saying “To defeat one’s enemy you must first make him/her beautiful.” That’s what the dragons in parades represent.” -Damien Riley
A quote from my book “Bipolar Professional”
Read more and purchase either of my 2 books, or both, and support me and my 3 children at Lulu.com —> https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/damienriley/