The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism
The Fall of the House of Usher
It was great as usual watching Vincent Price perform. He is unparalleled as an actor in horror. I still don’t quite get the story. Edgar Allan Poe is a bipolar creative genius so I’m sure it’s captivating. I loved this one, check it out and sound off in the comments.
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) starring Vincent Price
I really enjoyed this one! Listen to me share my thoughts. Justifiable madness? I might say yes!
The Yellow Wallpaper
No Trumpers Allowed Unless You Want to See Commonalities. Otherwise Go Home With Your F Biden Flags. Good Night.
Touched With Fire
Halloween Ends – My brief impressions
Friday Night at Freddy’s – My big tent review
If you haven’t seen it, stop audio when I announce spoilers. Otherwise, enjoy the duration. night night.