Precious EP because I talk about my separation.
Huge Things Happenin’ Here At The Loft!?!? 💖🦵✌️
“Here’s a Thought!?” A series by Damien S. Riley #09132024 – anti-aneurism analgesic
news 4 You (getting to be old hat 4 Me.) AKA “Don’t Worry Be Happy” by old Bob-By.
And that’s the truth babe! (Spits the little girl)
Me: Why do you love space?
Bella: Because it’s different, EMPTY!!!
Me: Great adjective choice! What you’re saying there, really, is that there are no limits to space. Your life here at the Loft is the exact same grid, babe. You create with your feelings lovely!
❤️✌️🦵 Damien S. Riley, Humorist and Philosopher
Free Treat 4U! A Complimentary Copy of My EBook “Bipolar Professional”
My Books Are Now Available as EBooks or Paperbacks.
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In this blog post is a gift for you, dear visitor: a free pdf copy of my pride and joy hit book: “Bipolar Professional.” My hope is that some of you enjoy it enough to support my work through buying my books on Lulu. PLEASE SHARE!
Your purchases help my kids and I, a LOT! 🙏 👩❤️💋👩 👦
Either way, I hope you enjoy! Here is the promo press release:
It’s free for y’all, my horrors and beaches 😛 Enjoy it!?!? Please share with someone who might benefit from it
Here is my author page on Lulu:
Have a good day!?!? Thanks in advance 😃
Damien ❤️
You may donate to my art here:
Damien To Be On The LAMBcast MOTM Episode October 2024, Babe!
I need my beaches and horrors to PARTY, rise and vote for the film I am championing. If I win, I get to host the episode at that behemoth haunt and pop culture force, the LAMBcast!
The Bride of Frankenstein!
Watch this space for details how to get me up straight away … that’s right, I’ll tell you how to GET ME UP babe. I wanna weeeeen!
Damien (watch this space! Get me up!)
Night Birds of Bali Dream of Me
The Time Machine CH2
Hold your head up
You know I just want to say as I’m sliding into my bed quite exhausted my day starts early and ends late on Mondays and Wednesdays so I’m pretty bushed out tired but I did get a chance to make a podcast tonight which was neat an episode of my podcast still looking at the time machine actually just starting it really but it’s a small novella so I probably won’t drink be doing it that long anyway when you do get tired that’s not the time to make a decision but sometimes you just got to pay the way for other Creation in your life so I got rid of something kind of big commitment in my life that I’m not doing now I I wrote to the person whose spearing it up and I said you know it’s just too much for me right now. So I just want to leave on this I wanted to say this to everybody because as the sage in the group quite often I want people to know that things always look better and you always have more resources in your mind when you’re rested and when you wake up in the morning good night.
Thought 41
I’m not lazy just strategic with my energies 😉