That’s for You.

S03E01 Ch 1 β€œThat’s for You!” – what is this fascination for sharing everything? A Zen master needs not share so much. My next book is being written through podcasts! The first chapter of my next book. Working title is: β€œZen and the Art of Delivering Uber.” Consider this a real honor!

Send in a voice message:

I used to believe Republican shit like this:

Then I woke up. They call me woke. I don’t give a fuck. Lucy is still a shithead.

Please like and subscribe to β€œRiley on Film” on YouTube now and everywhere else that’s willing to host me. It helps me eat. Most notable and comprehensive place to follow me is at my podcast which is found on YT now, my latest outreach platform. YT playlist/podcast.

some insider info: I’m getting dangerously into making little shorts on YT now!! Sub and like me on YT. No obligation. I know you’ll enjoy me.


πŸ™ Dame

Donate Securely via Paypal to me at @rileyonfilm ... button coming soon babe. Love, -Damien